How low can a person's waist-to-hip ratio be without any assoc. health or quality of life concerns?

This is a clip from the tv show The Doctors of a woman who on whole looks fairly average — except her hips measure 70 inches around. She has embraced this is how her body is and does model stopping short of pornograhic fare. I haven’t watched the clip; from the comments I gather she has some kind of degenerative disorder which is the cause of her unusual frame carrying skin to excess on her tush. Looking at her I believe it’s safe to say her mark of 70 inches is between 2, maybe 2.5 to 3 times the number of whatever her waist measurement is.

Because of this woman’s condition, I don’t think she quite fits with the spirit of my question, although not necessarily far off if her near term health is functioning well.
…I am wondering more about how low the ratio can get for multiple people in a family or community, as more than one data point is helpful.