How many biological children do you have or you think you'll have?

Why isn’t there a none option? I have no kids and am entirely certain I never will.

Odd. I coulda sworn there used to be a zero option and that I voted for it. o.O

Looks like “0” has become “1” , “1” has become “2” and so on.

Zero, I had myself childproofed.

I have zero, and probably will end up with zero.

Have one now, would very much like a second. My husband thinks I will go on to want a third, but I think he’s wrong.

Zero. And I have, to the delight (and possibly relief) of many, voluntarily removed myself from the gene pool via elective surgery.


None. Mrs. Homie and I can’t have kids, and we’ve decided that adoption isn’t for us.

I have 4, the oldest just turned 16, and the youngest is 9.

None, and since I’m well past the age of reproduction, that’s where it will stay. I had a few brief moments in my thirties when my biological clock was faintly ticking, but there was no one serious in my life and I couldn’t envision being a single working mother. Kudos to those who are, but it just wasn’t for me.

Geez, I don’t know. Dozens, probably.

We have two. Not planning on any more; we’re getting kind of old - but we’re not using birth control either so it’s technically possible, if unlikely. The first two were hard to come by.

Had one that was unplanned, placed for adoption. Never had any others. I often wish I had raised some children (I’m long past childbearing now), but it is better for the hypothetical children and for society that I didn’t, because I’m insane and stuff.

Hey, look! There’s a zero option now.

Zero, current and planned. I have no interest in fatherhood; it’s an unpaid (in fact, fantastically expensive and difficult) job that runs 24/7 for decades. Thanks, but no thanks.

I have one of each and that will probably be it. I wanted more, but the ordeal of being pregnant is not one I’m able to go thru again.

I’m married, we have zero kids and we plan to keep it that way.

:smiley: I shall now picture you as John Stamos’ character on that L&O:SVU episode where he feels it’s his duty to have as many kids as possible and to “spread his seed” as far and wide as possible.

One adopted, zero biological.

Zero. I’m not in a relationship, and I can’t see myself ever being in a long-term relationship, with or without kids.

I don’t want any kids because I’d be a terrible mother and I also have some seriously bad genetics. I’m not saying that I hate kids, or that I hate people who do choose to have kids. I’m saying I myself don’t want any of my own.