How many email address do you have - and use?

Simple poll, after the thread is up.
How many email address do you have, and use, on a regular basis? We’ll define regular as checked at least once a week, with some expectation/possibility of mail. And why do you have that number?

Include any email address assigned to you, individually. Also, how do you keep them organized?

1 for work: 1 personal.

I marked 5.

[li]I have one work address that is mine, although several accounts that I monitor/am responsible for.[/li][li]1 Yahoo! account that I use to enter Online competitions.[/li][li]1 Hotmail account that I used to register on Facebook and get notifications of account activity from my bank.[/li]Then two at home that I nominally share with my wife, but they come to my PC - one is our personal, home email, and the other is from a support group that we run for parents who’ve lost babies pre/during/post birth[/ul]

  1. One for personal, one for mailing lists. Now, before you say that the mailing list isn’t a valid response, because it’s just for junk mail, I reply that I do check it regularly, and sometimes open them because of coupons of offers that are pertinent. So it fits the requirements.
  1. I used to have a second one I was using for newsletters and such, but I didn’t care enough to actually look anymore.


First one is my hotmail account, and my oldest email. I use it for signing up to dodgy sites, and for sites I know are going to generate spam.

Second is yahoo, and my second oldest email. I use it for websites where I know I’m going to want to keep user info, like SDMB, IMDB, other forums I frequent, etc.

3 gmail accounts. One for very personal emails. Only trusted family, lovers, and best friends get this email address. One is a catch all for regular friends, family I know are going to send spam, freecycle, etc. The last is for work, bills, banking, etc.

The email I get with my dsl package. I wouldn’t use it at all, but my phone, dish, and dsl bills get sent directly to that email address.

Since Gmail, the number of email accounts I maintain has increased.

I have a:

  • Corporate work email account.
  • Comcast personal account that I’ve maintained for over 15 years
  • Gmail account used exclusively for family.
  • Gmail account used exclusively for friends.
  • Gmail account for subscriptions.
  • Gmail account for industry-specific, yet not directly work-related communications
  • Gmail account for my BOA Alerts.

So 7 active email accounts.

  • Work
  • old not entirely professional email
  • professional email that’s forwarded to my other one

Technically I have two or three other email addresses, but they’re just disposable ones for spam and facebook.

1 personal Gmail account for everyday email from people I know.
1 personal Hotmail account for commercial/junk email.
2 work email addresses.

I said 19+… but I’m not really sure if that’s a good answer, or not.

I’ve got my own domain, so email sent to anything@ my domain will come to me. I give every business I deal with their own reply-to address, so I can tell who’s selling my email addresses. When company X spams me with the address I gave to company Y, I know that company Y sold my email address. It also makes it easy to sort every email into its own folder, or to block a particularly bad spammer.

I have them all funnel into my GMail email address, for ease of checking, so I guess the answer could’ve also been “1”.


let’s see:

  • one for personal stuff
  • one with my real name for my resume, but I’m not looking for a job so it’s idle now
  • one that used to be for personal stuff, and now mostly gets mail from companies I buy from
  • one for spam (including political crap my dad forwards me and stuff from the RNC for no reason) and other things that e-mail me too often to bother reading
  • one for business related to the story archives I maintain (with alias for each archive, but they all go to the same inbox)
  • one that yahoo gave me with their hosting plan that google groups, the NH arts newsletter and yahoo answers uses.

I voted 4, but I just realized it’s 5.

One “main” one at Yahoo.

One “spam” one at Yahoo - used to be the main one, but started getting spammed, so now I use it to sign up for things which I think will result in additional spammage. I really only check it when I know there’s going to be a message in it (like a password reminder).

One at Gmail, just because it’s easier to use from my phone. No particular purpose, though I’d use this one for resumes if I was sending them.

One at work.

One at school.

*1 work email address.
*1 firstnamelastname email address, which was used primarily for job hunting/networking
*Personal address, used for pretty much everything else.

I also have a rarely-used address, which automatically sends everything to my job-hunting/networking address above.

  1. Company email for work.

  2. One under my own domain name for personal.

  3. Another under my own domain name for anything that might attract spam, like online purchases.

  4. Yet one more under my domain name for Straight Dope email.

I use #2 by webmail when not at home so I don’t want to use it for #3 and 4, which attract a lot of mail that I don’t need to read frequently.

I had #5 as a part-time grad student, which is still valid, but I don’t use it anymore.


One is for mundane personal stuff (correspond with friends/relatives use on message boards, etc.).

Another is personal, but important like banking and professional correspondence not associated with my job.

The third is my company account.

I checked 3 but I should have checked 4.

One Yahoo account that I use for almost all online things, from sites I use regulary like Amazon, to one-time registration emails. If it’s something I only need one time, I’ll just click the spam button after I’m done with it so no more unneeded emails go to my inbox. I still get some spam that goes to my inbo and not the junk folder, but not that many.

One gmail account I use for more professional online things, like Linkedin, my credit card accounts, and when I was job searching (although one time I forgot to NOT make my email searchable so I get some occaisional spam about a “exciting new job opportunity!” about once a week.)

An alumni email acount from my undergrad alma mater. This is the one I use for Facebook, as well as the one my family uses. it gets the least spam out of any account simply because I have only ever used it for four things online…the aforementioned Facebook, and then my three student loan accounts.

And finally my work email, which is only used for work and thus far has not gotten a single spam email after almost a whole year ! (I’m sure some gets sent, but it never gets passed my work’s own spam filter to get into my inbox.)
(technically my work email is two emails…my ‘official’ work one which is, and a ‘general’ one which is, but all of those are automatically forwarded to the department-specific one (but not vica versa) so I only ever check the department one.)

I have another gmail account, but I didn’t count it because that is a super-throw away account that I sometimes use instead of the Yahoo one, but not so much anymore. It’s just easier to do the above method to avoid future spam than to go to gmail, log out of my regular account, re-log in, and then to have to do that all over again when I want to go to my main gmail account.

1 company email that I try to use for just work, but is really my “main address”
1 address on my work domain (we own the server) that is just for my bills
1 address that’s that I use for mailing lists/ads and non-work, non-friendly stuff (such as to give the landscaper for a quote)
1 gmail address that I use for craigslist and I think the SDMB
3 company email addresses I share with a co-worker, that we both check all the time

I checked 2, but then I realized that I have one forwarded to me as I am a chairman in an organization, and anything that comes to is forwarded to me. But I never get anything, so it’s essentially 2.

1 personal and 1 that gets used during cross country/track seasons when I’m coaching.