How many of your facebook friends do you ignore?

A couple post anti-Obama stuff (borderline racist/socialist accusing)

I’ve blocked the excessively religious ones, as well as the high school classmates who have made reproduction their career. That’s still less than 10%.

I would like to add that there are three excessively religious relatives I have not blocked, mainly because my mom cares about them and likes periodic news updates. (She refuses to get a Facebook account of her own due to an obnoxious/toxic relative on my dad’s side of the family.)

I’m pretty lucky. Most of my facebook friends are fairly normal and post fairly normal stuff. I have some family members who post the occasional religious mumbo jumbo but more than 75% of the time they say stuff I actually want to hear so I don’t block them.

I chose other because I will occasionally block someone for a short period of time. For instance, my niece is a typical 19 year old with a trailer trash mentality (yes, I mean that in the stereotypical way, no I’m not saying all trailer park dwellers are bad). When her wonderful boyfriend went to jail for doing something incredibly stupid, I had to block her because I couldn’t take more than a week of the, “baby I love you and miss you and I know you’re innocent” bullshit. I unblocked her when I found out she had dumped him.

I blocked my cousin for a while because she never actually posts her own thoughts. She uses those dumb status message sites or like it or whatever that shit is. She is intelligent and funny. I’d much rather read what she actually has to say.

I don’t think I’ve blocked anyone else, even temporarily.

I really don’t block anyone; I do block all the stupid games and apps, though, so there are a couple people on my list that never show up in my news feed because all they post are game results.

Anyone who is overly religious or overly political gets de-friended.

I’m about ready to de-friend one person who is one of those “post every minute detail of my day” types. I don’t need to know that you just woke up, and now you’re having coffee and now you’re getting in the shower, and now you’re having lunch and now you’re at the mall and now you’re getting frozen yogurt and now you’re at the post office and now you’re getting a manicure and now you’re at the grocery store and now you’re having dinner and now you’re watching Jeopardy and now you’re watching Glee and … oh, c’mon. No one cares!

I’ve only ever blocked one person, all of his posts were along the lines of “Went to church, then did homework for GOD. Love you baby :heart:” I swear to god, every one of his posts ended with a note to his girlfriend. It got old fast, he eventually started to post those “if you really care about our friendship, dear Facebook Friends, you will comment on this post and copy paste it on your wall” copypastas that creep up every so often. I hid it, searching my friends list he seems to be suspiciously missing. Meh.

There was one other girl who I considered hiding, but her constant thanking of Jesus for allowing her to get the very high grade of a D on, I swear, every test she’s ever taken and talking about how great he is, even if she’s failing, and especially if she’s barely passing is kind of amusing in a trainwreck sort of way.

Though I do only have a little upwards of 50 friends, and I’d say a good chunk of them rarely post anything, so it’s a non-issue even for the annoying ones since even the grating stuff is only sporadic.

I use FB mainly for networking/marketing, so very nearly everyone on my friends list is either an actual RL friend (and therefore is both interesting and knows how to behave in public), or industry contacts that I’ve met at networking events (and therefore act like professionals in public). There are maybe a couple people I’ve not met, but they only make the grade by being in the industry and friends with at least two of my other industry contacts.

I don’t think my second cousin is on ignore, but he thinks it’s funny to insult me, which is neither something I want to deal with myself, nor something I want potential employers to see, so I’ve dropped him in my friend group that has no access to posting on my Wall. Anyone I don’t know pretty well goes in this group. He’s never in my feed because I turned off Mafia Wars and Farmville, which is pretty much all he ever used it for (other than to insult me, which was promptly deleted from my Wall when I revoked his posting privileges).

I had one chick who was a friend of a friend who unfriended me because I politely asked her not to spam me with messages about How to Be a Better-Than-Thou Crunchy Granola Mommy. I pointed out that I’m not a mommy and therefore had no interest in messages on how to be one, so kindly leave me off her mailing list. Apparently that got her into a snit and she unfriended me, thank goodness.

The only person I unfriended myself was a new-in-town-trying-to-break-into-the-industry guy, who I’d met, and who seemed normal enough, and then I asked if he’d be interested in collaborating on a project with me and a bunch of others. Turns out he had Serious Emotional Issues, refused to do the work he promised (but kept promising he’d do it anyway), and then went completely off the deep end when I took him off the project in favor of someone who actually did the work. (Nine increasingly hysterical emails spaced five minutes apart at 5am, along with a couple text messages that rang my phone and woke me up, if that gives you any indication.) Yeah, I cut every last tie with him pretty quickly.

I just checked, and there’s no one on my ignore list.

Said girlfriend being God?

You still can, it’s in the drop-down menu under Most Recent. They just moved it from the left menu to the top one, basically.

A lot of people in this thread either don’t understand OP’s question or are being way too casual in their terminology. “Blocking” someone is not the same as “ignoring” someone.

Blocking means that person is persona non grata maxima from your facebook world; they can’t see you AT ALL, and you can’t see them. Ignoring just means that you don’t see posts made by that person in your “news feed” as a default option when you login.

I have probably close to 10% on ignore. One is for nonstop posting of political screeds, but is a good friend. All the others are not so good friends or former acquaintances who are droll.

I have very few people blocked or ignored. I seem to be lucky in that I have very few people that post glurge, political/religious rants and inanities. There’s one I keep meaning to put on ignore because I swear she plays facebook games all fucking day. It’s not enough she does the random news feed posts, she’s now taken to posting things on my wall about them.

Only a few. All for the reason that they constantly post music videos of horrible music.

I don’t have anyone blocked, but out of 147 people on my friends list, 30 of those I’ve hidden.

I actually only have a select few on ignore, and that’s mostly becuase they post all the time.

But, if you count this, you could say I have them all on ignore. You see, I have a Live Bookmark that gives me my notifications. It does not tell me about people’s status updates or anything like that. And I’m rarely on Facebook proper anymore–I just respond to whatever’s in my feed and then log back out.

As for blocking: I’ve blocked two actual people. One who got really, really upset at me calling her out on her crap, and one girl that I liked but knew she would be very bad for me. Everyone else I’ve blocked has been a spammer.

And, while we’re at it, I might as well mention people I appear invisible to in chat. I have some people in a group called who can never see me on chat. This is mostly a few family members who would freak out if I didn’t add them (despite the fact that they don’t ever act like my friends in real life) and a kid with mental problems who would message me every time I went online. The guy’s my friend, but that gets annoying.

I added a bunch of people I didn’t know to get up to 501 friends on Mafia Wars. I’ve blocked nearly all of them.

Just a few, and some are “seasonal” hidings:

One is a rabid fan of his hometown football team, and tends to update his status constantly with minutae during every game they play, so he’s hidden during football season.

A couple others I hide during election seasons so I don’t have to wade through all the birther/teabagger garbage.

A few I hide all the time because they were “family politics” friendings, but all they ever post is religious glurge.

All of them. I only have an account to check some speech tournament information once a year. If I wanted to be incontact with anybody, I’d be in contact. If I’m not, screw 'em.

If we’re talking about blocking people, I do have someone blocked, but I never friended him to begin with. Back when I was broke and desperate for a job, any job, I had the misfortune of getting hooked up to do some office work for this shyster lawyer who pretty much defined the stereotype of the shyster lawyer. Let’s just say he had some liberal interpretations of labor law when it came to payroll. Just one example, he took off for a two week vacation in France, leaving behind a bank account too empty to cut anyone in the office their paycheck. He still owes me money.

Needless to say, I got out as soon as I could and never looked back. Some years after, this guy takes it in his head to “stalk” me around the internet. He sends me a LinkedIn invitation. I block him. He follows me on Twitter. I block him. He sends me a friend request on Facebook. I block him. I have no idea why he still thinks I have any interest in interacting with him in any form at all. It’s not like we parted on good terms in the first place. But you’d think that repeatedly being blocked might clue him in, eventually. Or else he’s stupid enough to think that I really do delete my account just coincidentally right after he sends the friend request, over and over and over again. Total coincidence! :smiley:

I haven’t stopped anyone’s posts from appearing on my feed, but I still ignore more than 75% of what’s posted there (the old-fashioned way – by not reading it).

Of the 130+ people I have as friends on FB (I recently purged quite a few, many of whom I also had on ignore), I have six people on ignore. One is my dad, who posts 20+ times a day about how Obama is a super sekrit Muslim terrorist who wants to abort babies and take Jesus out of the classroom (I love you Dad, but damn your posts are annoying).

A few of them are friends of my dad who remember me from when I was a kid. I would’ve felt bad about not accepting them, but I’m not interested in anything they have to say.

Another is my best friend’s sister-in-law. Her posts go back and forth between “I love my boyfriend!” and “I hate my life!”, usually a dozen times a day.