How many of your facebook friends do you ignore?

I’ve had an account since 2006. It used to surprise young folks to find that some old fart had beaten them to Facebook by a long way. When it started getting really popular I found it terribly tedious and stopped using it. I just logged on to see when I last posted. It was November 2007. I have 45 pending friend requests though.

Out of ~280 friends, I’ve only blocked one – my crazy birther brother-in-law.

Way less than ten percent, and then it’s the ‘hide posts from this user’ option rather than blocking them. It’s just because we were friends when I added them, but we’re not really any more, but all the same I’m not going to bother unfriending them when there’s the hide option instead.

None of them are stupid, bigoted or obnoxious; one was all three, so I ended up unfriending her. She’d been so nice in real life when I first knew her, and wow, how she changed.

I wish I had never bothered with FB. Mostly it is dozens of Indonesians posting in a language I can barely understand (long story), right wing nut jobs, and all hail Jeebus. The only people I really interact with are people I email or talk to regularly, although it did let me get in touch with one person that I am glad I found.

How do you tell who you’ve hidden? I’m often tempted to hide somebody but it usually turns out that they were stuck in the house for some reason or just new.

I have a bunch of friends, both personal and professional. Most of them I don’t have a lot of contact with. I’ll watch the feeds and comment, but I only actually pay attention to a handful.

I have 2 blocked. One was a “here’s a picture of my sandwich” type, I just couldn’t take the constant barrage of food pictures. The second was constantly political, since he lives in Israel, it was just too heavy a topic to keep reading day after day.

I mute people who post excessively about politics and religion. That comes to 10-25% of my friends list. I rather enjoy the “breakfast posters”, I’m one myself.

Just one- he was a casual acquaintance & former co-worker who would either post inane mispelled “inspirational” messages or intra-family dirty laundry that I just blocked him. None of my liberal/Lefty friends have posted anything that irritated me enough to block them or vice versa. If either of us posts something political or religious that the other finds insulting, a “Hey, I’m standing right here” will usually suffice.

None, but I pretty much exclusively use FB to play games. I only know a couple of my FB friends IRL. Everyone else are game friends, and I don’t pay attention to what anyone posts.

Pretty much all of them. I have a couple hundred friends virtually all of whom are family or former students. The family I keep up with, as much as I care to, in real life. The former students post greetings to my wall and tell me I was their favorite teacher and all things like that, but there really is no “catching up” or “keeping up.” I check it a couple times a month and even forgot, for a long stretch, that I had a facebook page.

Only one, because she’s a very high-volume poster–generally radical/activist stuff, which gets a bit much when it’s 70% of all visible posts. I read her page on my own time.

I temporarily blocked some other people for going on about all the cool expensive toys they were buying when I was dead broke, but that’s not their fault.

All of them (which is only about 6 or 7). I never look at my facebook page and have never posted anything on it. I only made a profile so I could search, never used it for anything else and basically ignore it completely now.

I have just over 10% on ignore. Most of those are teenagers/college students (my nephews and cousins’ kids) who only post inside jokes they have with their friends or song lyrics - and a lot of 'em. I like being “friends” with them because I enjoy seeing their pictures, but I don’t need two hundred cryptic messages on my newsfeed every day. The only other people I have on ignore are people who are nice enough but insanely boring. One woman only posts about her “zany” adventures taking her grandmother to the doctor every day and another only posts when she’s tired or sick or tired and sick. Political and religious posts don’t bother me because I don’t have anyone on my friends list who is insane.

If you scroll down to the bottom of your news feed, click “edit options.” It should bring up a list of those you’ve blocked.
I have about 12% blocked - part of that is that after the “Wow, let’s friend everyone I ever knew in high school” rush wore off, I blocked some that I don’t want to unfriend because we do still occasionally get together if we’re in the same city, but I don’t care to hear about their daily lives.

Most of the rest is that of my extended family that uses facebook to communicate and share pictures. It is mostly religious and political postings that I don’t want clogging up my feed.

As far as I can tell, FB took away the ability to filter your friend feed based on certain friend-groups you’ve made, which is annoying. I used to use that a lot to automatically see the people I actually want to interact with.

Ignore as in blocking them on my feed? The vast majority of them. Only relatively close friends and family members show up in my feed. That kid I barely new in high school - I’ll accept his Friend request but he’s not getting a spot on my news feed.

on a technical level I don’t ignore any of them. If they post something, my news feed shows it. Luckily for me, only about 10-15/60 post regularly, so it’s pretty easy to still see what’s going on with everyone.

I have about 150 friends, mostly from high school, some through my wife, plus family. I have about 25 hidden for various reasons, mostly due to excessive godbothering or drama. Good people, good friends, and I check in on them semi-regularly, but I can’t stand their drivel clogging up my feed and tempting me to say something not-nice. I also hide every game or annoying app I come across, plus all the things I like – I really do like them, and enjoy having them as a point of commonality with friends, but I don’t need to be updated with news and promotions about them all the freakin’ time.

I have only blocked the feeds of two of my facebook friends. One is a dear friend, but this person’s posts are often rather depressing, and thinking about that person that way randomly isn’t pleasant. Instead, I just go directly to the profile and read up if I’m ever curious, rather than being blindsided by it. I still love the person, but I just don’t want a dose of depression every time I log in.

The other person is a family member who constantly posts extremely obnoxious that I normally could ignore, but being family, has a tendency to irritate me more than it should. Obviously, can’t unfriend family, so it’s easier just to ignore the feed.

There are several other people whose updates I pretty much just ignore, but since they’re just silly things and rantings or whatever, I don’t ignore their feeds through facebook, I just don’t read them unless I’m bored.

what an awesome fucking poll…lmfao