How Many Pills Do You Take Each Day?

Crystal Meth has nothing on a Barney Rubble and a Dino daily. Though I’d do a couple of Bam-Bams every day the frigging Bayer corporation didn’t insist on mixing the different ones all together. Friggin stubborn pusher-man.

Birth control
Calcium plus Vitamin D
Thinking about adding biotin to get my hair growing…I am sick of this haircut!

What Lissa and Anaamika said, Trunk.

It’s easy to be judgmental when you don’t have major health issues. I don’t wish on you or anyone the “quality” of life I had before receiving proper diagnoses and the corresponding prescription medication treatment.

kaiwik, isn’t guaifenesin available over the counter? Here it seems to be the major ingredient in a lot of cough syrups, including those for kids.]/QUOTE]

In theory, yes I could. However I live in a remote area where quite often the most available items in the real world are not available, or are only available for short periods of time. I haven’t seen the pure syrup here, and I do not need the other ingredients in the cough preperations. The guaifenesin therapy for FM requires titering up to a point where symptoms are relieved, then maintaining that dose. Until/unless I am living in civilization again, it’s just not available except by prescription here.

Mucinex, which I have taken during the last two chest colds, seemed to help with the FM, but then again, I was feeling so lousy it may have had nothing to do with anything more than breathing easier.

I have my doubts about the therapy, but with FM and the rest of the arthritis stuff I have to jump through the rheumatologist’s and G.P.'s hoops.

morning Morning2 Afternoon Night

Captopril Coreg K-dur Coreg
Avandia Spironolactone Ferrous sulf Captopril
Coumadin Ferrous sulfate B12 Lipitor
Lanoxin K-dur Omega3 Amitriptylin
Furosemide Omega3 Effexor Omega3

Copied from a list I keep to print out when I go to the hospital. When I started taking all these I was given about 5 years to live. It’s now five years later, and I’m in better health than I’ve been for about ten years. I may not ever need the heart transplant now thanks to all these pills and the Bi-ventricular pacer.

That’s wonderful!

Maxalt (migraine abortive) 4 to around 12 days a month.

For smaller headaches I use my own OTC migraine cocktail: 3 ibuprofens, 1 Dramamine and 100mg of caffeine.

Oh, and on the medication debate? Pain bad. Pill good.



Ferrous sulfate

Ferrous sulf


I have got to learn to preview.


Lamisil (yeah, probably the least necessary thing in the bunch)
HCTZ (diuretic)
Byetta injection (not a pill, but a med regardless)

Evening (suppertime):

Byetta injection

Trunk- I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that what you meant to say was that a lot of people are taking prophylactic medications rather than actual treatments. So, yes, they could function without them, but probably not for long, and probably not very well.

Many people will feel that taking a lot of drugs is better than having a heart attack or stroke or losing your foot, sight or kidneys to diabetes, or having a major episode of a mental illness. If if the drugs may not prevent these things completely they may at least prolong the time before one of these unfortunate things happens.

You may disagree and that is your right, but these people have weighed up their choices and made the right ones for them, just as you did.

Isn’t it great that what is the best decision for one person isn’t necessarily the best decision for another? Such is the joy of living in a world of unique individuals.

Lessie…four SSRIs, to keep me from going mad and/or killing myself, and I just sent in for an Allegra prescription, to keep me from clawing my eyeballs out when the pollen starts to get heavy. And a Tylenol or a Pepto Bismol every other week or so.

(And a blue pill, because I like the Matrix. And that pill my mother gives me—but it don’t do anything at all.)

Just the BCP on a daily basis (Ortho-Cyclen). I also semi-regularly take a vitamin pill or just a B6 supplement in the mornings. Sometimes, the vitamin pill is joined by an Advil, but that’s pretty much on a monthly basis.

Nortripyline - migraine preventative - 4
Neurontin - migraine preventative - 5
Zanaflex - migraine preventative - 4
Coenzyme Q10 - migraine preventative - 3
birth control - 1
plus flonase 2x a day

Several times a week:
Imitrex - migraine abortive
Norco - pain killer
Zofran ODT - nausea control

And usually about once a week, an Imitrex injection.

Yeah, the preventatives are working for shit

My wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a couple of years ago. At the time it was a relief…she had lost her sense of smell for about 2 months and we were afraid that she’d had a stroke. Now we realize that a small stroke like that may have been better. She now has constant headaches (it’s a celebration on a day every 2 or 3 months when she is headache free), neuropathic pain in her left leg, lef arm/hand and left side of her face, and a slight limp.

Nortriptyline for neuropathic pain/constant headaches
Lyrica for neuropathic pain
Neurontin for neuropathic pain
Methadone for neuropathic pain/constant headaches

Frequently (almost daily)
Zofran for nausea (well, anti-nausea and it works WAY better than Gravol)

Rebif injection for MS disease modification (decreases severity and instances of attacks)…stings like a SOB.

Supposed to be using, but not…
Sativex for neuropathic pain. This is an oral cannabinoid spray that tastes like a marijuana ashtray smoothee. She doesn’t notice a difference when she uses it, and finds it disgusting to take.
We had a rough time a year and a half ago when she had an allergic reaction to Carbomazapine. She spent 10 days in hospital with a rash that looked like she fell asleep in the sun for a day. The reaction was bad enough, but even worse, the medication seemed to be working for her.

We both wish she could get off the stuff she’s on as the frequent nausea and narcolepsy is very annoying.

Please don’t take this wrong, people, but you all are making me feel a bit better about the meds I take. They were beginning to make me feel old, you know. But I realize, reading this, that what I do is not so bad after all.

two iron caplets
and lately two acidophilus caplets

I spread these out so they don’t interfere with each other, and I want to check with the doctor or PA about adding a calcium supplement or multivitamin somewhere in there.

And oddly enough, as I get older I’ll be able to drop one of those because I won’t need the ovcon for more than two or three more years, probably.


Topamax 2 pills, epilepsy (400 mg total)
Dilantin 3 pills, epilepsy (300 mg)
Vitamin when I remember which is sadly rare.

Topamax 2 pills, epilepsy (400 mg)
Dilantin 3 pills, epilepsy (300 mg)
Nadolol 1 pill, migraine preventative, (40 mg)

Throughout the day I might take advil and tylenol if I have a headache. I also have Maxalt, a prescription migraine med that I take when the headache is really bad. I try to avoid taking it, though, because it makes me drowsy. It works really, really well.

Multi vitamin and the contraceptive pill.

I hate taking pills, and I always have. Then I got thyroid cancer and the docs yanked the thing out. Now I am on synthroid, one pill daily. I have a hard time remembering to take it, because I am basically not a pill person. But Trunk, I have researched the idea, and read the list of things that will happen to me if I stop taking it altogehter; let’s just say that I have no choice in the matter, and leave it at that.

Twenty-three :eek: .

Four Gliclazide
Three Metformin (diabetes)

Three Orlistat (Fat absorption)

Two Isosorbide 20mg
Two Isosorbide 10mg
Two Nicorandil 20mg
Two Nicorandil 10mg
One Atenolol
One Amlodipine (heart)

One Rosuvastatin (cholesterol)

One Asprin (blood pressure)

One Lansoprazole (to counter the digestive effects of the Asprin)

I’m awaiting an angioplasy and hopefully when that’s done I can stop taking all the heart pills. If I lose another forty pounds in weight I can stop the Orlistat too and probably the asprin. My liver function may improve as well. Here’s hoping!

Every day - Claritin
Every day I remember to - a multi vitimin, calcium-magesium

And this week because something is causing my alergies to flare -
suphedrine (I can’t take Claritin-D because the massive dose 360mg of this that makes the “D” and is supposed to time-release doesn’t seem to for me and I get pounding headaches that probably are a high BH indicator) and asprin.