We got our copy of The Phantom Menace in the mail from Amazon 2 days ago. Since then we’ve watched it 7 or 8 times. Ah the joys of having a young boy in the house…
I hear that. Got my copy Monday, have watched it about 5 or 6 times. That is nothing, I’ve seen the others upwards of 30 times, oh and the Pokemon movie has played at least 5 or 6 times this week as well. Boys will be boys. xoxo psycat (mom of 2 adorable boys, 13 & 9)
We picked up a copy on Thursday, watched it (me once, him twice), than reran the Jedi fight sequences about eleven times. That choreography was worth the price of admission.
All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people.