How many working TVs in your home?

The population of our house is six adults, one teenager, and one infant. We have 4 working TV sets.

The living-room TV is the only one hooked to cable. The young people watch it a good bit, and my hubby likes to watch it too. The baby’s mom is home all day so daytime TV use is usually her watching it. Night time TV they all will watch. Not too much but maybe 2 or 3 shows back-to-back.

Two of the girls have TVs in their rooms; not hooked to cable but used to play DVDs. My son uses his TV to play Xbox games & watch Netflix.

So, at least one person at a time, up to five at a time I reckon, yes someone more than one might be on at once, I personally have gotten out of the habit of watching TV, only because I love internet surfing so much more.

I have known people who kept non-working TVs. Sometimes it’s “oh I’ll get around to fixing it one day” and sometimes, if it’s a cabinet TV, it’s used as a piece of furniture (to put stuff on, like the working TV).

What’s a ‘working TV’, anyway? As I said, I technically have four ‘working TVs’. But since the change to digital broadcasting only one of them gets a signal (via cable).

<side note> You and me. This weekend. Grr! :slight_smile: </side note>

Just one. I would guess that 80-95% of my free time is on the internet.

We generally use the tv only for DVD’s, or for background noise like the car radio.

Pretty much anything worth watching we have on DVD. The only things we watch now are House (offseason atm,) Pawn Stars, and Adult Swim. I watch the NFL on the TV, but I find going to a live updated website with all the teams is far superior.

We have 2. A 17 yr old one in my bedroom (I call it the “Undead/Zombie Tv”, since it actually “died” about 6 yrs ago…fading to black white dot, puff of electrical smelling smoke and all…then, when I randomly decided to turn it on about a week later just to check, came on and had worked perfectly ever since :confused:) and a slightly larger, newer one in the living room. It goes with the “Franken VCR” which the kids knocked to the floor like 3 times, broke the faceplate off of, but it still works great, if you know which little lights to push;))

But technically, neither is a “working” tv, since I recently cancelled our cable. We watch Netflix, Hulu or DVDs/VHS. (and can catch up on most shows we like via the net)

We watch quite a lot, both now and when we had “tv”, and usually at least 2 of us (out of the 3 in the family) watch together. But one reason we opted to HAVE 2 sets was so we’d be able to watch different things at the same time.

I can’t imagine having more, really (and have always refused to go along with the tv in the kids’ room thing :dubious:). As a film student, I NEED (and yes, WANT :p) to be able to watch films frequently, my kids each have things they want to watch, and we find 2 tvs (plus a large flat screen computer monitor AND a lap top) is MORE than adequate for our needs at any given time.

NOR will I ever get a “big screen” until I have a room large enough to comfortably accomodate it…the tiny LR or BR with the HUGE screen is just annoying (and neck-wrenching/eye-straining) to me.

FTM, I have lived for years w/o ANY tv or viewing capability, and didn’t really miss it. Nowadays, I could easily give up tv programming as long as I could view films at home and on my own time (I often need to watch multiple times and pause/replay to do assignments/analysis).

Two, one in the living room and one in the finished basement. They’re only on if we’re watching – never for background noise. Having them both on at the same time is rare.

We have two people in the house and three working tvs - the one in the living room that we usually watch, the inherited wide-screen monster in the basement for movies, and the little one in the spare room for Jim to watch while he stretches his neck (he’s working his way through Miami Vice now). Yeah, we watch far too much tv, but one place we won’t go is a tv in the bedroom we sleep in. That just seems inappropriate to us.

I’ve got 3.

One in my living room that has a digital converter and I use to watch Lost (used to use) and Browns games. And the occasional Indians games on broadcast. Otherwise it’s a computer monitor (a poor one - it’s not a flatscreen). It also serves up my Wii.

One is in my bedroom and also has a digital converter. I used it to watch some of the Olympics and also the Indians’ opening day game. Otherwise, it collects dust.

The last one is my roommate’s and he doesn’t have a converter, he just uses it to watch DVDs.

I can’t get a new LCD in the living room until I upgrade my computer. Plans are in the works for that this winter.

I actually used to be of this mindset myself, and still am, in theory. :wink:
My late DH and I never used to have one, until we got a new one for the living room and decided to keep the old one in our room (the only other place at the time except for the kids’ rooms) just for times when one/some of us wanted to watch something and one/some wanted to watch something else (translation: HE wanted to watch sports and we didn’t:D). We NEVER watched it at bedtime.

Nowadays, I DO watch it at bedtime, sometimes to do an assignment or, more often, to help me get to sleep. Since my DH died, I have developed a “bad” habit of needing a movie running to drop off…it’s just soothing and mostly functions as white noise, down very low.

But I agree…the bedroom should be a sanctuary, esp. when there is the prospect of sex involved. :stuck_out_tongue:

Zero, since I figure I waste enough time online as it is, and if I really want to watch a show, I can catch it on DVD.

Ironically, though, I do have cable. It came with the apartment lease.


I have one TV.

I have a netbook and a desktop that have built in digital TV receivers. And I have a USB digital receiver that I can use in my laptop or other desktop.

None. When we or the kids want to watch, we just do netflix or hulu on a laptop. We still have pizza and movie every Friday night, and the kids get parked in front of the laptop if they are making me crazy on a rainy day…we just choose not to use the device called “TV” for our media consumption.

Just the one, a 40" Sony Bravia Z-series we bought last year. But we’ve only ever had one.

The wife and I keep different hours, so often it’s just one of us watching. If we’re both sitting down and watching, it’s for a DVD. I’ll usually keep BBC News running, like right now, or MTV out of Taiwan; except for DVD time with the wife, I don’t “watch” it in terms of sitting there and staring, but there are some Thai news programs she does like to catch, plus an ongoing soap opera from Singapore on Thursday nights.

We have a TV downstairs (husband’s fancy stuff, where we go in the summer when it is hot), and a TV upstairs (my old non-fancy stuff, where we go in the winter when it is cold) and a TV in the bedroom that is only hooked up to the PlayStation. It’s rare that we both want to watch something at the same time on different TVs, but if the need arises we’ve got the options.

I’ve got two.

One is in the living room which I use most of the time.

The other one is in my bedroom which I leave on when I sleep because if I turn off the TV when I sleep the room becomes too quiet and then I start to hear creepy sounds (or maybe imagine that I hear creepy sounds :slight_smile: ).

My last TV broke down 16 years ago. I have never replaced it and I don’t miss it. However, a friend sold me his old TV for a nominal fee (less than one USD) a couple of years ago, but I haven’t collected it yet.

One main TV in the living room, where we either watch TV, (usually the movie nets) play dvd’s, or for my husbands gaming. Our toddler son watches his kidnet there as well. My husband often forgets to turn the set off when he stops watching, but I don’t want any TV to be on when no-one is watching.

We have two medium sized flatscreen monitors in our study. They double as TV’s when we want to watch something and the main TV is in use. On any give day, I’ll spend more time in front of my computer then in front of the tv.

Five, one in each used bedroom one in the upstairs living/dining room and one in the downstairs living room. Three are hooked up to HD. Two to SD.

No more than three will be used at once usually though often four will be on as one of the people who lives here pretty much never turns a TV off.

My wife and I have four televisions, one each in our bedroom, the kitchen, the family room, and in the basement near the treadmill. My wife is the main TV user. She likes to watch the Today show before she gets out of bed, and likes to have something on while she works in the kitchen. I sometimes find more than one turned on at the same time.