How much damage will the Gingrich-Santorum pact do to Mitt Romney?

The conventional wisdom is that Romney has an open route to the nomination. But Gingrich has sworn to do what he can to destroy Romney’s chances while leaving Santorum out of it. Intrade wagers say Romney will still win.

I see Santorum as a Tonya Harding and Newt as her tire-iron welding goon. They could possibly knee-cap Romney.

Gingrich doesn’t have enough money to do enough damage to Romney, I think

It’ll hurt, but Santorum isn’t going to beat Romney.

He can do damage during debates if he adopts a scorched earth policy.

I see Santorum as Donald Trump: he wasn’t running to win, so much as to boost his post-run employment. Mission accomplished. Already a successful lobbyist, Santorum now has enhanced standing on Wingnut news and the rubber chicken circuit. I say this because it’s consistent with an Iowa-only strategy: does Santorum have any presence at all outside of Iowa? The linked article reports that his Palm Beach County chairman and deputy state director of Florida is an 18 year old volunteer college student. Which is sort of cool, if not an especially plausible way of running a real campaign.

Gingrich isn’t 100% committed to the Presidency either, though he’s a more serious candidate than Santorum. I’m hoping for a brokered convention. Go Newt go!

Well, I am no fan of Joe Scarborough but he said “There will be blood” about Newt vs. Mitt.

Joe knows Newt.

I think this is an interesting comparison, as Nancy Kerrigan recovered to compete in the Olympics - and came second. In other words, something similar could come to pass. Whether it’s a useful analogy beyond that I’ll leave for others to judge.

Isn’t Santorum really standing to lay a marker for 2016? So if Gingrich downs Romney with Santorum being nominated as a result, Santorum’s going to be screwed when he comes up against Obama, as losing will ruin his chances in 2016. Right?

No, that’s Huntsman. Santorum’s delusional if he thinks it’s him.

BTW, is there any actual “Gingrich-Santorum pact”?

This is crazy. Do the Republicans just not give a fuck?

Yep. Signed May 22 in fact.

I think they know deep down that they’re only picking a sacrificial goat this year.

Gingrich is a very bad guy to get on the wrong side of because he’s willing to take the party down with him.

Thank Og! :smiley:

There was this -

but later denied.

They would have to publicly deny though.

…umm… His Vegas billionaire backer certainly does though.

Except that her tire-iron wielding goon hadn’t been mugged in a dark alley by Kerrigan’s father. If Romney gets bloodied in this lovely mess he only has himself to blame.
I wonder if these people are going to have second thoughts about Super-PACs after they get slimed by them.
I’m sure that Romney lying out his ass about having nothing to do with the ads just has made Newt madder.