How much do you spend a month on alcohol and tobacco

I guess the rule includes wine at restaurants & bars, and after dinner drinks, etc. etc., but frankly I’m VERY surprised at the low totals so far, maybe no big city dopers have checked in yet.

Monthly: cigarettes & cigars $100 (not a big smoker but cubans are about $10 each and cigs $6/pack) and alcohol $1,500 if you consider the wine & drinks I PAY for. God only knows what I consume, life tending toward the fast side at times. Ah, to be young and crazy in Paris…


Alcohol $200 per month.
Tobacco $40 per month.

Hopefully that tobacco figure will be zero next month and the month after and the month after… :dubious:

Wow. Is that all for you? Because by my calculations that’s 12oz of hard alcohol, 2 beers, and 2 packs a day. If you can pull that off, you sir have a constitution of steel.

Tobacco: I smoke cigarettes on occasion, usually when I go out drinking, and my husband likes the occasional cigar, so it would average out to being no more than $10 a month.

Alcohol: That’s a bigger expense. Thank the gods for Two-Buck-Chuck, or I’d barely be able to afford my habit. :wink: I would guess that we spend around $100 a month on alcohol. Most of that is on wine from Trader Joe’s, since I won’t spend more than $8 a bottle for at-home drinks. Throw in the occasional top-shelf hard liquor, and it adds up.

I’m the same! I hate the taste of alcohol. Everyone says, “oh, you can’t taste the alcohol in insert drink name here!” I can! Blergh! Sometimes I put up with the taste anyway though.

And I don’t smoke.

Nothing. I neither smoke nor drink alcohol.

Tobacco, nothing.

Alchohol, let’s see…figure averaging about $30 for fridge beer, half of a $20 bottle of hard stuff, and maybe $10 for the occasional restaurant drink. $50/month, not as bad as I was expecting.

Powers106, $1500 a month? That’d pay for a 30-year, $300,000 morgage! I don’t think it’s a matter of “big city” dopers not checking in, I think it’s a matter of “people who consider $18,000/year a reasonable amount to spend on booze.”


Well, ya thats about right, except my g/f helps out a little and we both smoke a little under a pack a day.
Sometimes I even have to get more whiskey on saturday…

Yes, I know I am killing my liver.

Nothing for the DangerFamily.

Don’t smoke so that’s zero.

As far as drinks go, I probably go out twice a month and buy one beer so maybe $10. I drink more than one beer when I go but usually somebody will offer to pay…

Alcohol - roughly £500

Tobacco - £0
(yes. I have a problem)

Oh heck, I had forgotten to think of the financial implications for a while (until now). Shit that’s depressing. I’m officially depressed.

Glad I could help. Why don’t you guys drink cheap alcohol instead? Here in the US in Indiana at least cheap hard liquors (vodka, whiskey, rum, tequila, etc) is $12 for a 1.75L. Beer is $10 for a 24 pack and fortified wine averages $3 for a 750ml.

99% of cheap beer tastes like crap. When I drink, I don’t just drink to get smashed, at least for the first couple of bottles I want to enjoy the taste. It’s pretty hard to drink, when you can’t stomach the beer. Blue? No. Canadian? No. Moosehead? No. Laker? Hell, no. Stella? Yes. Sleeman’s? Yes. Heineken? Yes.

ugh, heineken is garbage. Pretty much all beer is garbage. For that matter most alcohol is garbage except the ones laced with sugar like mudslides or daiquiris, and you need to ingest about 2000 calories of sugar from them to get enough alcohol to get a good buzz.

Zero again here, in both categories.

Alcohol - $50 abouts
Tobacco - $50 abouts

Hmm…I order cartons online in batches of five or more to reduce the cost, and a go thru about two cartons monthly, let’s round that cost off to $50.

Alcohol is tough, summers mean barbecues and picnics and softball games that I lug a cooler to, so my fizzy sweet girly beer expenses go way up. Christmas and NYE means attending and hosting a lot, so my real liquor expenses get skewed then.

I don’t drink regularly, totally a social thing for me, so I’ll guesstimate a coupla six-packs and at least a fifth a month for jello shot making, another $50 maybe.

Hmm, not too bad, especially when I think of how much of that’s shared with friends.

I don’t smoke anything, so tobacco: $0.00
I buy probably 2 12-packs of decent beer a month, so that’s about $25.00. About two times a month, hubby and I will go out for “drinks” (meaning hard stuff for him, but only one or two as he’s the driver, and beer for me, usually whatever they have on draft that sounds interesting). In those outings, I probably drink $6.00 worth of beer each time, so add $12.00. Then, probably once a month, we’ll make drinks with some kind of hard liquor we have at home. A bottle of vanilla vodka that costs $20.00 will last us maybe four months, so my share of that is another $2.50. Total for alcohol (estimated): about $50.00 a month. If you add hubby’s drinks when we go out and his vodka for the month, we probably spend $60.00 or $70.00 a month total. But I can remember a time when it wouldn’t have been anything to spend that much on liquor in a week! Yeah, we’re old and lame. Wanna make something of it? :smiley:

The last time I bought anything with alcohol in it was last year. New years eve was the last time I drank.