How much do your bio kids look like you? How closely do you resemble your bio parents?

My brother and I both take after our mother… except for the ears… which are purely from the paternal line and could be used to signal landing aircraft.

I also have my mother’s eyes… well… she wasn’t using them… being as how she’s dead 'n all. :stuck_out_tongue:

My son’s hair and eye colouring doesn’t match either of his parents (having picked up recessives from both sides it appears), but baby photos of him look eerily like baby photos of my brother. (I was a little heavier around the face at the same age).

My wife has two bio-siblings and one adopted… and oddly enough the adoptee looks sufficiently like two of the others that when people found out one was adopted they generally jumped to the wrong conclusion as to which child was which. :slight_smile:

I look like my mother. My sister looks like my mother. My sister and I don’t look all that much alike. (My other sister looks like our father).

My daughter looks like me. She has her father’s personality though to make up for it. My son is adopted and Asian and looks like his Hmong friends more than any of us. It was hard even for us to tell him apart from one of his friends when they were younger (now, their build is very different).

I have a girlfriend who adopted a daughter from overseas. Her daughter looks far more like her than her bio son does. Her son looks not much like her or her husband.

My daughter is the image of my wife, except that she has my nose and hands*. My son is the image of me, except that he has my wife’s eyes and nose. Scary, almost.

  • Very distinctive hands - they’ve been called “paws”!

My son looks very much like his father, while my daughter looks almost exactly like I do (only with a better mouth). My son’s personality is also extremely similar to his dad’s. My daughter…well, she’s a lot like my sister was when she was younger. She’s impish and sweet, but is extremely opinionated and has an evil side if she doesn’t get what she wants.

I’ve often thought maybe I was the adopted one, as I’m the oldest, and the three following me all have features quite like our parents’. Both the boys look just like my dad and/or grandad did at young ages, and my sister turned out ‘built’ just like my mom…short, shapely brickhouses.
I, on the other hand…the only kid without blue eyes/blonde-turned-to-dishwaterbrown hair. Taller than my mom and sis and NOT stacked. :stuck_out_tongue: I got my mom’s hazel eyes, which she swears look EXACTLY like her dad’s. But other than that…I have no clue who I take after. I have noticed though, that since I got an unexpectedly short haircut, that I can see my mom peeking out in the mirror; she has some pics from when she was younger that were very cute, and I can see a little of that in there now that I don’t have hair in my face. Otherwise…yeah. If my dad and I weren’t SO damned alike personality-wise, I’d be wondering who the father really was. :stuck_out_tongue:

My oldest has my eyes and curls, although her hair is brown instead of red. She got her best features from her father, who is Native-American. I think she’s gorgeous.

My youngest looks almost identical to my mother, except she has magnificently bushy eyebrows like her dad, who is the traditionally swarthy Mexican. (I know I know they don’t all look the same! lol) She also gets his skin color and Frodo feet.

I don’t look much like anyone in my family except I have my father’s big nose. My mom had dark brown straight hair and dark brown eyes. I have red hair and hazel eyes. My grandmother had red hair but it wasn’t curly. Nobody really knows where my kinky curls came from!

The resemblance between me and my daughter is very frequently remarked upon. It appears to be the considered opinion of more or less everyone that she resembles me more than she does her mother. I see the resemblance between ehr and her mother more than anyone else does. (Same mouth and chin.)

I quite obviously resemble my parents. About 70% Dad, 30% Mom.

I have my dad’s hair and shape-of-head, but more of my mom’s features. My older daughter looks like my mom, with some of her dad’s facial expressions. Younger daughter has my hair (only redder), a lot of features from my side, my sister’s facial expressions, and a jaw from her dad’s side of the family. Older daughter has more of my temperament, and younger daughter’s personality is a mix of her dad and my sister.

I just called my sister to get her opinion. She says I don’t look like either parent, and she can’t think of any relative I resemble. There are no pictures of me as an infant (5th child, 4th daughter, with identical twin sisters. I was born and they were like “eh…another girl…”) which reinforces the stories my siblings would tell me about how my parents found me in the gutter and took pity on me.


My threee siblings and I all look alike enough that it’s clear we are related. And we take after our mom and dad equally, IMO. We got lucky, genetically.

My daughter, on the other hand, looks exactly like her father and not like me or my family at all.

I don’t look like either of my parents.

On the other hand, my 7 year old son son is very tall, as I am, and people often tell me he looks a lot like me.

Of course, as many of you already know, he’s adopted!

Which goes to show… what? That there’s a certain amount of luck involved, of course. But from talking to other adoptive parents, I get the sense that my experience is FAR from unique. PART (not all or even most) of the reason may well be that, nowadays, pregnant women usually choose the adoptive couple from a photo profile.

Now, when a pregnant woman is looking for the “perfect” parents for her child, what does she look for? Very often, she looks for a couple that reminds her of happy times from her own childhood or beloved relatives from her own life. So, she may choose a woman who reminds her of her sister or her own mother. She may choose a father who reminds her of a beloved uncle or grandfather.

That my son looks like me COULD be pure dumb luck… or MAYBE my photos struck a chord with the birth mother because I resembled someone in her family.

No kids, but I look almost exactly like my mom did, save for the screaming red hair and facial piercings. The only thing I got from my dad were my funky little feet.

Having now read all the other posts, I’m reminded of two things.

This: I have a rather high pitched pre-teen voice, which embarrasses the hell out of me to this day. (I’m 60.) Until I was about 20 my voice was almost exactly my mother’s. I sometimes would answer the phone and string her friends along for a minute or so before my ruse was blown by what I was saying. I suppose this would have cute or warm and fuzzy, except that I’m male.

And this, which still makes me teary-eyed 20 years after the fact.

My Dad was adopted at birth, by a single working woman. When he was about 18, his Mother told him as much as she knew about his bio-mom, including her name. Bio-Mom had been an unwed teenager whose father forced her to give up the baby. This would have been in 1925.

Dad’s Mom died just a few years later. As time passed he began to get curious about his bio-mother, and he was in his 30’s when he began to look for her. Adoption agencies and such records were lost or otherwise unavailable to him, but he knew what general part of the country she had came from and he would search public records for her name. Never got any hits. Every ten years or so he’d get the bug again and renew the search, always coming up with nothing.

When he was 65, Dad called one night to tell me the news. Having decided to give it one last half-hearted try, he’d finally found her. It turned out that no birth certificate had ever been on file for her, and she didn’t appear in any of the usual data banks until her death certificate was generated. He’d missed her by seven years. But further digging quickly gave him the name of her one surviving brother, who was now in his 80’s.

After agonizing for several weeks, and terribly frightened of who knew what the response might be, Dad made the long-distance call. His uncle answered the phone, listened to Dad nervously introduce himself and then ask if he remembered his younger sister having had a child 65 years before. Uncle said yes, was quiet for a moment, and then said “Am I talking to that child?” After more tentatively friendly sharing of information, Uncle asked Dad if he’d send them a photograph while he talked with his wife about it. Dad sent them a picture of himself at about age 35.

Their return letter arrived a week or two later, and Dad called us together to see what was in that letter. A glossy 4x6 photo of a woman in her thirties, and when we saw it my wife, sisters and I gasped and sat back with our mouths hanging open. It looked like a soft-focus portrait of Dad in makeup and a wig. She couldn’t have resembled him more closely, right down to the characteristic smile that was always on his face. It was an “Oh. My. God.” moment.

Handwritten on the back of the picture: “Welcome to your family.” Dad’s Uncle and immediate family accepted him with open arms, and despite having missed his mother by seven heartbreaking years, Dad, whose life with my mother had not been pleasant, was the happiest I’d ever seen him for the rest of his life. I’ll never forget what those wonderful people did for him.

I guess I could have simply said my Dad looked like his mother, but I felt like telling the story. There really are some good people in this world.


I look a lot like my father, and as kids i looked a lot like my older brother (more than once it happened that i looked at an old photo of my brother and thought it was me). Oddly enough i look more like an uncle on my father side, he lives in the US so i never see him, but when i met him a few years ago (he came to visit) we were all very surprised that not only we look alike, we also have the same laugh, and talk very similar too.

I look like a cross between my mum and my dad. More like my dad, I guess. (I’m male).

I have no kids, but one of my nieces looks enough like me to be obviously related. If I told people she was my daughter they’d believe it.

When I was a young person (particularly as a teenager), people frequently remarked on how much I resembled my mother. I definitely inherited her nose.

Now, as a 40-something adult, when I look in the mirror, what I see is my father. In particular, I’ve found several recent pictures of me taken at running events (candid shots, as I’m running), which are pretty eerie in the resemblance to my dad. I think the shift is the result of my face rounding out a bit as I’ve gotten older.

I don’t have kids, so nothing to share in that area.

Eerie, Feyrat - exactly the same for me…we must be related!

My brother, sister and I all look so much alike there is no mistaking us as siblings. I look like the negative of my younger sister (she’s a brown-eyed brunette, I’m a blue-eyed blonde). Countless times throughout our lives people have said, “Oh! I wouldn’t have thought to change the colour of your hair!” thinking they were actually talking to the other one…

My mother, sister, and I all sound exactly the same except I’m the only one who says “fuck” a lot. Just so people can tell us apart.

I’m just glad I come from a pool of hot genes and sexy voices :smiley:

My daughter is halfway between her dad and me in pretty much every aspect of her appearance.

But it’s not the kind of resemblance that you necessarily notice right away if you don’t know us. People are hung up on coloring and immediately obvious stuff like that, and my daughter is biracial and has different coloring and hair than me. She still looks just like me though, but some people notice the resemblance quicker with her dad.

My son is the spitting image of myself as a baby. It’s crazy. I am also just like my mom and grandmother, we’re like the same person at 3 different ages. People always know whose daughter/granddaughter I am around town, as my Grandma seems to know EVERYONE in the area.

Also my sister and I sound exactly alike and we even have nearly the same handwriting. We look different, but our voices are very very similar.

I’m hoping baby number two (when we have it) will take after my husband a bit more.

I don’t look much like either of my parents or I’m enough of a blend that it’s hard to see. Any doubt that I was my father’s daughter was completely eliminated when my son was born however.

My father, my brother and my son are like triplets born over a 45 year span. Pictures of each of them at the same age are discernable only by clothing choices and hair colour (Son went purple for a while and then it took a few years for the bleached hair to grow out) and length.

My daughter looks very much like me.