How much garlic is too much?

If your coworker still asks if you’ve been eating garlic three days after your last dose, you’ve been eating too much overall. (personal experience)

I’ve always been a little perplexed by the idea of measuring garlic in “cloves” as if there is any sort of consistency whatsoever in size between the cloves.

This. I know the words, but they make no sense.

I know what an average sized clove looks like, so there’s no confusion for me. Cooking isn’t an exact science, and “cloves” is as accurate a measurement as something like “large onion” is. The large onions around here are probably 1.5x the size of the average large onion, so I compensate in the recipe.

Yeah, if you want to turn cooking into a science project, you can measure everything down to the gram but, for most purposes, inexact quantities like “clove” are useful. What would you prefer? Teaspoons? That’s inexact, too, as it depends on how you chop the garlic and measure the teaspoon.

I’m afraid I have to argue with the people who say there’s no such thing as too much garlic. There is, and you know you have passed that threshold when not only will your family not eat what you’ve cooked, but the dog won’t touch it either. Particularly insulting when it’s the same dog who once ate a scarf that had been wadded up into a ball, and had to be fed most of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a tablespoon at a time, to get it back again.

(Same dog once ate a bar of Ivory soap, but that came back up on its own. You know what happens when you use the wrong kind of soap in the dishwasher? That also happens when you use the wrong kind of soap in the dog. No garlic involved there, though.)

. . . I can only assume you’re talking about piles and piles and piles of foam.

Brown foam.

  • shudder *

I have to know: what is a box of rice? Are we talking Rice-a-roni or something?

Fortunately, the soap came back up the same way it went down. The suds were white. My parents were perplexed when they tried to clean the piles of foam off carpet and discovered that adding water and trying to wipe them up only made them bigger. It took a bit to figure out exactly what the dog had eaten.

On the bright side, the dog never went near the soap dish again.

Some rice comes in boxes, rather than plastic bags. Minute rice and rice mixes come in boxes or occasionally packets, rather than bags. Rice a roni is what I consider a rice mix…it’s rice plus seasoning and sometimes added ingredients.

Goya. Usually get 2 servings from it.

Want some? It has a bit too much garlic, but otherwise it’s great. Oh, and a little too much onion.

For the sake of the garlic-lovers in the thread, I gotta mention that I’ve had garlic wine before. :cool:

When we were traveling earlier this year, we took 152 through Gilroy … we were about 12 miles out and all of a sudden I got the strangest craving for garlic bread from the smell of the garlic in the air that got stronger as we went through Gilroy to San Jose. :smiley:

Unfortunately it was not time for the garlic festival :frowning:

The OP must be too young to not have known about Dr. Leo Buscaglia.

I’ve found that the strong garlic smell comes not so much from the garlic fields but from Gilroy Foods near 152 & 101, where they process a ton of garlic in the summer and the cooked-garlic smell wafts whichever way the wind is blowing. I remember living in San Jose a decade or so ago and smelling it on summer mornings 30+ miles away.

Also, next time you swing by, go a little south from 152 on 101 and drop by Garlic World, a little shop/farm stand just north of hwy. 25. There’s a boatload of garlic-everything there, but also all kinds of cooking stuff (sauces, books, foodstuffs in olive oil, pickled whatevers, hot sauce, yada yada). There’s also another shop like this right at hwy 25 & 101, painted red like a barn, but I didn’t much care for it when I’ve been there. Getting into Garlic World from southbound 101 is challenging; you may find it easiest get on 25 eastbound, then turn around back west on the shoulder when it’s safe then back onto 101 north.