How much MORE trouble does running (on foot) from the cops get you?

I’m posting this here as I am sure the answer varies from state to state.

Plus I know we have some officers on this board.

So what is it? A fine? X amount of days in jail?

Misdemeanor? Felony?

Need answer fast?

Depends how fast you run. If you are fast and elusive, you wont get in any trouble unless they either knew who you were already, you left some identifying article, like your passport or your dog, or you’re on cctv somewhere and it’s not one of those grainy useless recordings.

It depends.

I was once on a jury where the defendant would probably not have been noticed enough by the police to be identified as a suspect, had he not run when he saw a police officer. At that time, the victim of the crime had not yet called the police–five minutes later when the description of the suspect was given to the police officer, he immediately said “I’ve seen someone who meets that description” and they were able to find him quickly.

From someone who knows these things, I’m told the penalties for running vary widely depending on the circumstances. Every aspect, from the age of the runner to the particular judge doing the sentencing, will affect the outcome.

Well, if they catch up to you, expect to get a face full of ground and a big, irritated cop on your back. Facial lacerations and broken teeth equals “too much” extra trouble in my book, but I’m a slow runner. Pro tip: Try to run away on grass or maybe the beach.

At the least it is Resisting Arrest. 1000 fine and an extra year, in California. But that can cover some pretty minor stuff; I don’t know if ‘fleeing’ is another charge in itself or what.

As Taomist said, it’s generally going to fall under Resisting Arrest. In NY, it’s a Class A Misdemeanor, which means you can get up to a year in prison.

It depends.

I think it gets you shot. So if you were up for the death penalty anyway, that’s probably better, but if not, it’s probably not worth it?

You could tear a hamstring, maybe sprain an ankle. Probably more likely to get a stitch in your side. Or maybe that bullet.

Running away gets you shot?

What does running towards the cops get you? Hung, drawn and quartered?

One kid, Timothy Thomas, from Cincinnati ran and the cops chased him. They cornered him in a dark alley, he turned around, and an officer shot him, saying it appeared he was reaching for a weapon. He didn’t have one on him. A 4-day riot ensued.

That is one reason why you don’t run from the cops.

As Chris Rock says, if the cops have to chase you, they’re bringin’ an ass whoopin’ with them.

Fair enough. In America if you run away from the cops they will shot you. That is one reason why you don’t run from the cops.

The police in America won’t shoot you if you run away.

But if you turn around, your hands had better be empty, over your head and with the fingers spread wide. Police get nervous when you stop and turn around. They have a split second to decide on your intentions. Anything in your hands can lead them to the wrong conclusion.

Not true. If you are running away, then you are not a physical threat, and they should not shoot you.

Real life is not the same as movies and TV…

My sister ran from the cops. I think she was about 14 at the time. Nothing super huge–she and her friend had tried to split a beer while hiding in a park, and an off-duty police officer spotted them. They took off, got caught, and my mom had to pick her up at the police station.

Eventually, my sister just got some…youth service thingie. But when we went to pick her up at the police station, I said, “I’m not mad that you ran from the police. I’m mad that you ran from a police car down the street, and not between the houses.”

I mean, seriously, if you’re going to do something amazingly dumb, at least be smart about it.

Is SCOTUS like real life? Because they, in a case about a 15-year-old unarmed robbery suspect, said it was totes cool to shoot fleeing felons.

Cite? I have a feeling you are putting your own spin on some case that isn’t really there. Rules about when shooting a fleeing suspect were solidified by the ruling in Tennessee v Garner 1985: “Law enforcement officers pursuing an unarmed suspect may use deadly force to prevent escape only if the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.” As far as I know there has been nothing to weaken that precedent.