How much time does outdoor paint need before it rains?

I’m trying to figure out how to paint my outdoor 8x10 building in between rainy days.

We got 80% rain tomorrow (Sunday). Dry Mon, Tues with highs in mid 70’s.

Then more rain Wed 70% chance.

I need Monday to dry out.

If I paint Tues with an outdoor oil paint. Will it dry enough before Wed’s rain? Painting metal roof white, sides are metal and front wood plywood.

I’ve heard stories that if there’s much moisture at all in the air you can’t paint? Is that true or Wives Tale? Spring time we get rain at least twice a week.

I’m using Benjamin Moores IronClad Alkyd Metal & Wood Enamel.

I’m looking at the products info sheet

dry time at 77 degrees
set to touch 3 hours
dry to touch 6 hour
recoat over night

To Service 24 hours what the heck is “to service” does that mean it needs 24 hours before a rain storm?

I’m wondering if I have to wait until I got at least two or three dry days in a row?

I’m guessing “to service” means you can work with it. IOW that’s when you can start treating it like you didn’t just paint it. Cut it, nail things to it, sand it etc. I’m not sure if “rain on it” is included in that though. If it was latex, I’m sure it would be fine at 24 hours, but I don’t know enough about oil though I suspect it would be fine. You could probably add some paint thinner to the paint to speed it along though.

I’m thinking about going ahead and painting the metal roof Monday afternoon. That way it has at least 36 hours to dry before Wed’s rain.

The sides and front are protected by the roofs overhang. I’m thinking rain 12 to 14 hours later wouldn’t be a big deal.

decisions, decisions. Spring rains are difficult to work around.

If it is too humid when you paint, oil-based paint will NEVER dry.

That is why you aren’t supposed to paint when it is raining, even interior painting.

Maybe I need to wait a week then. The extended forecast shows rain Sun, Wed,Thurs,Fri and Sat of this week. Mon and Tues are the only two dry days in this entire upcoming week. It’s just one wet, nasty week.

Then they predict its dry the next week. wunderground is good, but you never can trust a forecast 8 days ahead.

I don’t want to get impatient and have this paint peeling off in a year or two. I