For those of you who areHappy Little Vegemites, how much do you put on each half of an English muffin? I finally decided to find out: One level teaspoon of Vegemite per half.
I think it’s best to open the jar of Vegemite, invert the English muffin (holey side down), and pass it quickly about one inch over the open jar. That should suffice.
Quality, not quantity. Varies from just a quarter tsp per half up to perhaps 3/4 if I’m jonesing for it.
Have you tried Cenovis, the austrian yeast spread? It’s delicious! It has more than a hint of roasted, caramelized garden vegetables like onions, carrots and parsnips in it, lovingly browned alongside a huuge potroast.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had Marmite. I should buy a jar so I can say exactly why I prefer Vegemite. (One thing, Marmite is runny and Vegemite isn’t.) In the meantime…
I agree that they are very similar. I prefer Vegemite because I find it easier to spread. I have both in my cupboard right now, and the Marmite is like a solidified gel, completely gumming up the cap, while the Vegemite is more like a thick peanut butter, opens and spreads pretty easily for me. Now, to be fair, the Marmite didn’t quite start out that way. It must have lost moisture over time or something. When I got the jar, it was more like a really thick, heavy molasses.
As far as flavor, I find the vegemite a little bit more “well rounded,” for lack of better descriptor, than the Marmite. It also doesn’t seem to have quite as bitter a bite at the end of it, but I think I’d be hard-pressed to tell the difference without a reference. I know wars have probably been fought over which is better, but I’d need to have both in front of me to distinguish the Marmite from the Vegemite. I have no doubt true connoisseurs of the stuff can point out the differences much in the same way I’m loyal to my Coke vs a Pepsi.
Simply put, I just find Vegemite overall easier to handle and spread than Marmite, so that’s probably while I prefer it more so than it tastes a little more “well rounded” to me.