How much water do you drink?

As part of my campaign for self-improvement, I’ve decided to go back to my former habit of drinking two liters of water a day. I’ll drink more if I can. I consume too much soda over the course of a day. Since I don’t like the flavor of most diet sodas (and don’t think the carbonation could be that good for me anyway, never mind the sugar), water will be my primary beverage except for an occasional cup of tea or small amount of regular soda. I hope.

How much water do you drink a day, and is it all you drink, or supplemented with other beverages? I read somewhere that you should divide your weight in half, and drink that amount of water in ounces a day, but I don’t think I could do that just yet.

Actual water, like from the tap? None. The water tastes horrible here, and is so hard that it leaves mineral deposits on sinks and toilets. I ain’t drinkin’ that stuff straight! I use a Brita filter for water I’m going to use. I drink several large Thermos mugs of tea a day, which is mostly water. Does that count?

Fortunately the tap water here is mostly melted snow runoff from the mountains, so it tastes pretty good. I probably drink nearly a gallon a day if I’m not doing anything. We have these giant 40 ounce glasses at the cafeteria at work and I’ll drink 2 or three of those while I’m at work and have another 16 ounce or two once I’m at home. This is in addition to 20 to 40 ounces of softdrinks a day as well…

Filtered, bottled, whatever water you consider drinking water. I have a filter for mine. I bought two one-liter bottles of water, and will refill them with filtered water to drink when they are empty. The water around here is definitely not palatable right out of the faucet.

Filtered water, I’m guessing somewhere around a gallon. (I am not actively keeping track.) I’m really big on water. I like it a lot.

It depends very much on the circumstances: how hot the weather is, how active I’ve been, what sort of food I’ve been eating etc. I drink more in an air-conditioned office than I do at home. I suppose I’d average 4-5 glasses a day. I drink it straight from the tap.

Eliminating pop is one of the easiest and best things that people could do to control their weight. I drink 2 glasses at breakfast, 2-3 at lunch, and 2-3 at supper. Each night after exercising I drink about 34 oz.

I have one when I wake up in the morning and sometimes I have one in the middle of the night. It comes out of the tap.

I usually have a tea or a coffee or a caffiene free diet pop, usually ginger ale. I prefer to have something zippier than water. But if the only beverage is water, I will keep a cup of that nearby. I like to have a beverage around me at all times.

What size glasses are you talking about? Mine are about 24 oz.

Ha ha ha I’m laughing at your giant bucket-glass.

My glass holds 7 oz.

Around 200-250 mL I suppose.

I love my giant bucket glasses! Though four a day is a scary thought.

It’s fun to offer someone something to drink in one. They fear drowning in it.

I drink about a gallon a day, maybe slightly more in the summer.

It’s pretty much all I drink, except a cup or two of coffee in the morning, and a glass or two of wine or beer in the evening

I don’t. Water is evil.

No, water is good. Water loves you. Water only wants what’s best for you.

G’night, folks.