How much would you pay to go to space?

So there was a recent auction to be the third passenger in a future space flight ($28 million)
Assuming you deemed it reasonably safe (I dunno, maybe not as safe as commercial flight, but definitely safer than climbing Everest) How much would you pay for:

  1. A suborbital flight to 50 miles (Air Force astronaut wing definition)
  2. A suborbital flight to 100 km ( Kármán line)
  3. An orbital weekend (two nights) assume snug but private (sleeping bag + curtain)
    (OK food)
  4. Orbital weekend, room just enough for you + SO
    (good but not gourmet food)
  5. Orbital week, small cruise ship size room
    (cruise ship or better food)

Assume in all cases that there are windows to view stuff (except maybe #3 when sleeping)
I don’t know if I would go over $250 for #1. Maybe $500 for #2. Maybe $10,000 for #3 for a big “once in a lifetime” splurge


Probably $25k or so for Option 5…Maybe 10 times that once my kids are done with college.

ETA: Option 3 or 4 would be the same. I can’t distinguish value on something no one’s ever done, but I know what a responsible amount would be for me.

[quote=“N9IWP, post:1, topic:944156”]

  • A suborbital flight to 50 miles (Air Force astronaut wing definition)


  • A suborbital flight to 100 km ( Kármán line)


  • An orbital weekend (two nights) assume snug but private (sleeping bag + curtain)
    (OK food)


  • Orbital weekend, room just enough for you + SO
    (good but not gourmet food)


  • Orbital week, small cruise ship size room
    (cruise ship or better food)


I don’t even like to fly, so put me down for ‘You need to pay me a whole Metric Butt-Load’.

$0. I wouldn’t go into space if you paid me.



I wouldn’t go without my husband.

Based on recent events with bridges, airplanes, supply lines, pipelines, etc., I question whether the US is competent to build a working clock radio – much less a passenger spacecraft. So no, there’s no amount I would pay, nor any amount you could pay me to go up today.

Space tourism is likely to be nature’s way of limiting the population of billionaires. Not wishing for it, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

You could offer me the £28m and I still wouldn’t go.

You would almost have to make it a percentage of what you are currently earning, I would think. A billionaire would be more likely to pay millions, a millionaire would be more likely to pay something in the high five to low six figures, and so on.

I’d be willing to part with half my savings to spend a week in orbit, but no more (whatever level my savings is at the moment.)

…I’d bankrupt the space-tourist company.