How much would you pay for an 80 minute trip to "space"?

Ok, so the X Prize awards 10 million bucks to the first person who flies 3 people to 100 km (suborbital) and repeats the journey with the same craft in 2 weeks.

How much would you pay for a ticket to essentially travel to anywhere in the world in 80 minutes and see the cold dark vacuum of space through a window port along with the Earth whizzing by below?

Depends on where it lands. Honestly, it wouldn’t be worth more than 3 or 4 times the going rate for a jet trip to the same place. Yes, I know I have no sense of romance or adventure. :slight_smile:

I’d pay maybe 20k, if I had it.

I wouldn’t pay anything. They’d have to pay me.

I’m with bluethree. I don’t even like roller coasters; no way are you getting me into a spaceship!

Depends on how much money I had. Take whatever that amount is, and subtract enough for me to continue to survive. I’d love to go to space. Ah, I see. Suborbital? Maybe not so much. It’d still be cool, though.

I agree with Marley23

I probably wouldn’t do it at all, given that my travel style allows for very few splurges and I try to select them carefully. I’m sure there would be far more interesting things I could do with the money after I reached my destination.