How NOT to respond to high gas prices: News link
Set fire to two gas stations using fire place logs
Set fire to a Starbucks (!?) using a fire place log
Go eat at a fast food restaurant with eight of your remaining fire place logs
“[S]he woke up that morning wanting to do something about high gas prices. Police said they don’t know why Craig targeted the Starbucks.”
June 5, 2008, 9:43pm
Perhaps she sees the price/volume of petrol approaching that of cappuccino, and thus has conflated the two.
I’m going to use “She is barking insane” as my working theory.
I believe that to be a sound hypothesis.
June 6, 2008, 1:44pm
Well she was setting the fires in the bathrooms and Starbucks is kind of known for having public bathrooms.
I wonder if she was going to torch Micky D’s on her way out.
They are also concerned that if she tells them why, it may hurt their brains.
Who here hasn’t, at one time or another, wanted to set fire to Starbucks? if only to get the Uber Yuppie ahead of me ordering a Decaffachinno Frappa Chappa Dappa Mulatto with a shot of decaf expresso and Sprinkles to just leave in a hasty way.