so how often did your computer freeze today?
No apple vs microft flamewar here please.
Just facts… or… wait… flamewar if you like.
6 times for me.
With two total blackouts - I was just typing something at the forum and my TO**IBA laptop (see I didnt tell what kind of comp) went all black and I had to start all over…
but what I love the most are multiple errors, followed by bluescreen and total breakdown what makes me have to find a sharp, thin object to stick into the reboot hole of my computer. Yes. No button. Just a hole.
Work computer is NT, hasn’t frozen or blue-screened once in the two years I’ve been using it (individual programs have stopped responding, but have not had to reboot to resolve the problem).
Home computer is Windows 98. I don’t remember the last time it froze, though I have screwed up the graphics many times by alt-tab’ing when I probably shouldn’t have. This has required a reboot a couple of times.
I can’t remember the last time our computer froze, certainly not since we installed Windows 2K. Then again, hubby is a computer tech and keeps it very well maintained.
I left it running all night last night, and it still runs fine. Which is weird, because it seems at least once a week it’ll just decide to crash for no apparant reason.
My comp is a total mess… I am just too busy to let scandisk run everytime it crashes for no apparent reason…
and then I cant help but work with at least 4 windows open at the same time in my browser… too fidgety to get around with less
I m good with comps too, but just too lazy to treat it well… poor thing… some day it will léave me and move into a computer shelter.
Grrr, that automatic scandisk pisses me off. “Since your computer was not properly shut down, one or more of your drives may have errors on them. To avoid seeing this message again, always shut down Windows using the shut down option in the Start menu.” FUCK YOU, damn computer. YOU crashed; I didn’t turn you off. Don’t give me your patronizing advice. And the 'puter hasn’t crashed today yet, but it usually does at least once or twice.
My Win98 box here at home crashes all the time; I leave it running and when I come by in the morning it’s frozen… but that’s cuz it’s old and cranky and doesn’t like the monitor I have attached to it.
My other “big” box has Win2k, has since like Feb. and hasn’t crashed once… damn stable OS put me out of a job!(I was a Win2k support tech and no one seemed to need support so 300 of us got laid off.)
The NT computer locks up when I run ESPN Gamecast for too long. How else am I suppose to get current updates on the scores. On the UNIX I have to kill Netscape sometimes because of Gamecast.