How old do you feel right now, and why?

Note that the question is NOT how old you actually are. Oh, you can tell us that too, if you want, but nobody should feel obligated to.

Answering my own question: right now I feel old. See, this weekend is the Beale Street Music Festival. My wife, baby sister, stepdaughter, and I are all going, leaving the kids in the custody of my little sister. My wife and stepdaughter are both in their late 20s; my baby sister is in her mid 30s, while little sis is 40. Right now all four are having a spirited discussion about musicians I’ve never heard of who’ll be playing at the Festival today while the babies (ages 3, 1.5, and 1.5) run around being wonderful and mischievous. Don’t get me wrong-- I’m not complaining about a great life-- but man, the combined weight of all that youth makes me painfully aware of my own dotage. I feel more 65 than 45. It doesn’t help that when another of my sisters turned 48 this week, my father (who had forgotten her precise age) was surprised that she was the one pushing 50, not me.

But that’s just me. How old dog YOU feel?

I usually feel about 10 years younger than my age (36), but since you asked how old we feel right now, I feel like an old lady. One of my neighbors is blasting music, which is bad enough, but it’s some sort of EP of techno remixes of REM’s “Losing My Religion,” which has to be some sort of heinous sin.

Keep riding the bike to work, you’ll start feeling younger in non time - or so I hear.

I just got back from running a 15k. I am pretty pleased that I can still do this- I’ve been taking various amounts of exercise since high school without ever having gotten completely out of shape. I can’t say I exactly feel 20- my run was a little slower than I would have liked, probably because I drank too much beer over the winter and have a little bit of a gut. But it wasn’t bad either, so I guess I feel about 30- not that old a dog, and a lot better than my chronological age.

I’m going to a party in a few hours, so that seems youthful. I am showing up with a big pot of pork ribs instead of as a destitute college student, so that bumps the age-feel up a bit. Probably still around 30.

I have a new hot girlfriend, she makes me feel pretty young. We do some fairly childish things sometimes, like flying kites or visiting the candy store. I never quite feel like a kid though, just like a 40 something goofing off and lucky to have such a dynamic person to go on dates with.

Physically, I’m a month away from being 40.

Mentally, it’s complicated.
On one hand, I still feel like a teenager. I’ve got a house, a wife, a good job and all the rest of it, but I still don’t really feel like an adult. Sometimes I look around and have to remind myself that this is actually my house, and my parents won’t be home any time soon. :cool: The inner child is still strong with me, and sometimes manifests itself with things like staying up until 4am drinking rum and then eating chocolate cake for breakfast the next morning - because who’s going to stop me! (Un?)Fortunately, my wife is a willing conspirator in this. :stuck_out_tongue:
Socially, though, I’d probably put myself above my actual age. It’s been many, many years since I last knew or cared about what was in the charts - my music tastes generally run to 70s rock/heavy metal music and I’m quite happy with that. Most aspects of pop culture just go straight over my head, and I don’t even care. I also think I’m getting grumpier and more antisocial as I get older - I can see myself becoming a proper crotchety old man in years to come!

I don’t know why this is - if I had to make a guess, I’d say it’s something to do with the fact that I never really settled down until a few years ago (I only got married 18 months ago), and have never had children - this means that I’ve never really felt like the ‘older’ generation because I’ve never been properly close to anyone younger than me, but on the other hand I’m completely removed from any current culture.

I did one of those ‘what’s your real age’ type online quizzes a few months back - it said I was 53. :confused: :slight_smile:

I feel like an 18-year-old. And if you bring me one, I can feel her, too.

Physically, I feel about ten years younger than I really am. I do a lot of walking.

Emotionally, I think I got stuck at around 16.

When I was a kid, I thought that there was some kind of “boring adult” state of being, that adults were in. They had no concept of fun, did boring things, talked about boring stuff. Know what I mean?

Now I’m basically middle-aged, and I’m starting to realize that I might have been wrong about all that. Many of the things I do now would look boring to my kid self, but I do them for fun. And most things that most people talk about seem a lot more silly and childish from here than they did from back there.

Maybe there is no “boring adultness” at all, and I was just imagining it.

I don’t feel like an adult at all. But maybe there is no “adult feeling” to grow into.

My spiritual age is 43 and has been since I was about 15.

I am 52, and feel like I am in my early 20’s. I lost 60 pounds in this decade, and have kept them off for 3 years now, work out like a demon 3-5 times a week, and trip regularly to things like the spectacular sunset and moonrise tonight. I don’t know when I am supposed to feel old, but so far I most definitely haven’t, and my energy level is usually through the roof. My 75 year old birthmother is probably in the same camp, seeing as she can do 40 straight pushups, but it ain’t all genes here, that much I can swear to…

Right now I feel about 73 (actual age = 56) because I caught the Bronchitis From Hell in mid-March, was sick or recuperating from it until the last week in April and then fucking cracked my RIB from 6 weeks of nonstop coughing. And I’ve bloated up from not getting enough exercise due to being sick and/or walking around with a cracked rib.

But I’ll actually be 73 in only 17 years and that’s not so old and I hope I actually feel a bit better than this when I get there but I could cope if this is what it’s like. Could be worse. Presumably will be worse when I get quite a bit older than that.

I have the body and mind of a 19 year old, and when he finds out what I’ve been doing to them, he’s gonna be pissed.

Really, I feel like I’m in my mid-40s. That’s a whole voting-age person away from how old the calendar says I am.

I feel old. why? because as of a couple of days ago, I’ve been to four funeral visitations for people who are not my grandparent’s age. I’m not old enough to have to go to wakes for my peers’ parents.

About 20 years older than I am. But I was at a funeral this morning for a close friend and my knees are hurting more than usual. Those two things will add the years on faster than most things.

I’m feeling old because I went to see my doctor yesterday about a persistent pain in my leg and he told me it’s probably arthritis.

I’m 27 but feel 25. Two months ago, someone mentioned the number 24, and I thought, “I’m only 1 year older than 24!” I had to correct myself; no, I’m 27.

Depends on context. The other day at work, a youngster said to me: “We’re out of orders.” I said back to him: “We don’t need no stinking orders” complete with Mexican accent.

He just looked at me with a scowl and says: “Okay! Fine!” The reference was completely lost on him. I felt old that day.

I started to get into running recently. The other day I managed to do 5k in under 30min. I felt bullet proof for the entire day after that. Haven’t felt like that in ages.
TMI Alert: Since I’ve been living a healthier lifestyle, sex had been f’n great. I’ve got the rock hard boner of a 20 year old, and yet, I can still manage to not spill my seed in the first five minutes of intercourse.

It’s like having the both of best worlds.

There’s a saying in Thailand: “You’re only as old as the girl at the end of your arm.”

(That being said, the wife is only two years younger than me, so I still feel 50s.)

I have lots of physical/medical issues that have had me in constant pain for over 25 years. They’ve gotten a lot worse over the past 5 or so. Other illnesses have me with almost no energy and crippling depression. I’m single, childless, unemployed, broke and living with one of my older sisters and the 27 year old niece of another younger sister.

I feel ancient

Mentally I feel about 24.

Physically I feel about 110. But not normally. I’m in the middle of moving, and move my more portable stuff today. I’ve been schlepping up and down the stairs of TWO abodes for two days, and my knees, back, and shoulders hurt.

Also, my asthma’s flared up from all the pollen.

puff on inhaler

Normally I feel in my mid-30s, unless something really, really hurts. I’m not as fast or limber as a 20-year-old, but not bad all things considered.

I’m 45, for reference.