How reprehensible do YOU want to be in the Pit?

I’ll add myself to the chorus of “I like the Pit just fine the way is, thankyouverymuch!”

So, Miller, any thoughts on how the Pit should be and how the Pit will be moving forward?

Funny how you’re asking now.

What’s funny about it?

I put in some commentary when the thread first popped up and in a few of the other threads of this nature. Of course it is of interest after participating in the banning thread to have clarity on current or soon to be implemented changes to the various forums. Nothing funny or sinister about it.

Question for Miller: What is the purpose of this forum? Is it for (supposedly necessary) venting? Is it to talk shit without repercussion? Something else?
How far we should go in this forum depends on our actual destination, in my opinion.

You honestly don’t see how asking such a question within a half hour of another discussion of yours about board procedures getting locked might be a bit suspicious?

When I said they were related how would it be suspicious? There is no great conspiracy afoot! When a request for feedback on rules and behavior is posted asking for the status of action on that feedback is no coincidence when a debate on the VERY subject that directly preceded the soul searching now in place was shut down.


Your argument in the locked thread suggests you believe otherwise.

No, I believe you’re still trying to be a rules lawyer.

If people simply adhered to the “don’t be a jerk” rule, we wouldn’t NEED most of the other many rules.

The fact people use that as a pejorative when the topic is specifically on rules and their enforcement strikes me as an inappropriate line of argument. There are rules that govern appropriate behavior of the board. There is a specific forum to ask questions and seek clarification. To be insulted when participating in a conversation for feedback on the rules and enforcement by being called a rules lawyer in a disparaging fashion is abusive.

Am I not allowed to participate in this thread to provide my feedback to Miller? Furthermore, when multiple people respond to me and I respond to them it suddenly becomes the tedious octoputz show! No coincidence at all.

This seems to be the consensus.

Bud, let me try and help.
The “tedious octoputz show” is accurate. All I see is whining. Maybe I’m missing your other contributions, but you don’t seem to be enjoying this board. I’m not going to do a post search but are you contributing besides whining?

What ‘debate’ where?

CMC fnord!

I’d agree, with the caveat that Miller shouldn’t have to “defend behavior that made me nauseous” as he mentioned in his OP. I’m fine with Miller going with what he subjectively feels is out of bounds or “beyond the pale.” If he screws up on a judgment call, plenty of people will call him out on it, and I trust him to decide if he was off base.

Whereas his brother, who may well have raped a 14 year-old girl more than once, is a Pedophile plain and simple. See how this works?

I’ve certainly gone at it plenty with Miller over the years but this O.P. of his is kind of what this Forum, and maybe the Boards, really needed. So thank you for putting these thoughts out and for allowing some discussion here.

Exactly. I’ve not looked carefully at the Pinned posts at the top of The Pit before composing this, but I would hope that Miller’s sticky on “Motherfuckers” is still up there and still in force. Because The Pit without the ability to ( safely ) use foul and angry language, well, it’s MPSIMS isn’t it??

I’m good with “anything that doesn’t nauseate Miller”.

And if someone could come up with a rule against disingenuous BS that Miller can get behind (behind the rule, not the BS) that would be awesome. I also want a pony.

I have not felt any need for rules changes here.

In forums and posts whose purpose is to provide a space for questions or solicit feedback using them as such is not whining. Just because I post inconvenient and embarrassing to the mods quotes from said mods does not make the content whining. When a place states that it is run fairly it’s not unreasonable to expect fairness, respect of precedent and consistency.

So when it comes to the pit I expect the above. And if that’s considered tedious or whatever other insult so what?

Again, this thread isn’t for attacking other posters, or questioning their motives. If you have a problem with someone, there’s the entire rest of this subforum to hash it out in.