How Sa-weeet it is!

Well, my handsome young son has graduated from high school (yippee!!!), and has started his summer job.

He’s a lifeguard for the community pools. And he’s driving a firebird , with (just in case there was a single police officer w/in 70 miles that didn’t notice him) a black light in the back window.

He’s 6’2", light brown hair, blue eyes, and yes, somehow or n’other lots of young females are swooning over him.

however, that’s a subject for a different thread.

We’re hanging out, I ask him how his day was. Well, some of those kids at the pool, well. jeez.

''like there’s these two who were just fighting at each other all day, and I finally had to split them up and say ‘I don’ t care who started it, who did what, **I’m ** finishing it. You- over there, and you- stay over here…"

he doesnt’ notice, but I start to have trouble keeping my laughter in…

“and then there was this one kid - man, he was a pain. He kept on splashing, and I kept on telling him not to splash, and he like argued with me about it, and would say ‘this isn’t really splashing’ and as soon as he thought I wasn’t looking, there he’d be, splashing again…”

and I said " quote I didn’t kick it, I merely pushed it with my foot"
He recognized the quote… :smiley:

This is going to be fun.

wring, you are an evil, evil person. It’s just not nice to bust the poor boy’s chops like that. :smiley:

I say this, of course, because I can hear my mother cackling at me every time I have an “I didn’t hear you say please” or “Daddy can’t hear you when you whine, dear” argument with my little one.

(Didja hold it together at graduation, btw, or make like a leaky faucet around the eyes?) :wink:

Congrats to him! Will he be staying close to home and attending MSU, or some other, lesser institution?

If he ever wants a taste of the college life, have him e-mail me and look me up at my Spartan Ave. mansion. :)

Congrats to him! Will he be staying close to home and attending MSU, or some other, lesser institution?

If he ever wants a taste of the college life, have him e-mail me and look me up at my Spartan Ave. mansion. :)