How should I go about starting a local club or group?

Let’s say I am interested in starting an enthusiasts group, for, say, bourbon, in the area I live. No such club or group exists, as far as I can find. What would be the best way to advertise/recruit for like-minded people? The local paper seems antiquated. Craigslist? Online somehow, like Facebook? How to get the word out?

That’s a good start, thanks.

To be perfectly frank, I’ve actually yet to join a group. I think the infrastructure is there, and it just takes a community that is willing and computer literate to make it happen. I’m planning on signing up for the local traveling group, because that’s what I love to do. I’m thinking that I’ll request that the meetings be a potluck representing the cuisine of a particular region. has a subscription fee, which would be fine after I had at least an idea of whether there was enough interest in the area to start this group. I’m not sure I want to shell out the money just to put the feelers out there. Any other thoughts? I started a Facebook community page, but the majority of my Facebook friends are in other parts of the country.