How should I have voted?

In my district we elect 4 State Representatives. There were 8 people running for the 4 positions, and you could vote for up to 4 candidates in any distribution you choose (no individual was running directly against another).

To simplify things, I’ll summarize my opinions of the candidates as follows:

A & B : 100% for

C & D : 60 % for

E & F : 40% for

G & H : 0% for
So what would have been the best way for me to vote? How do you vote in these situations? I ended up voting only for A & B, but I’m not sure it was the best choice.
FWIW, I probably won’t have 4 reps to elect next term (pending the results of a ballot question) so likely this is all academic.

IMO you should have voted for A & B & C & D. Why C & D? Well - to keep out the other guys that you preferred at levels of 40% and 0%.

You should have voted for the 4 that you would have been most happy with, regardless of the percentage of happiness.

I didn’t even know happiness could be represented by a percentage. I feel about 75% uneasy about that.

Your own opinions on the candidates is only one factor in making your decision. There’s also their electability.

Suppose for example, that candidate C has no chance of being elected and the two front runner candidates are E and G. In that case, you might decide to vote for E rather than C.

Ah, that is part of my problem. It’s not exactly a high-profile race (the winner had fewer than 3,000 votes), so we don’t really have a good idea of who is likely to win, except for name recognition.

I just went to the state website, and it turns out that the results went: G-H-A-B, then only a 20 vote gap to E. There’s nothing like local elections to make you feel that your vote actually means something.

Scratch “we” in my above post, and make that “I”. I suppose that people who are more into local politics than I do probably know better, but I am not in on that info.

I’d vote for any candidate that was at least %25 rasta.

I agree with that 60%.