How Spoiled is YOUR Cat?

My cats are so spoiled that they:

-are allowed to climb up on our tables and countertops-they EAT on the table and the countertop.

-have their own “paneled shitbox”, as my dad puts it-a litterbox inside a cardboard box that my mom cut out so it has a little wall around it-covered with drawer paper that looks like paneling.

-get human food treats.

Well, one of our cats (the fat, bad-tempered one) always gets food whenever she demands it. I mean, this thing eats ALL DAY (more than me, even :D). She’s so lazy that she lies down, tips the food bowl towards her, and just buries her face in the food and chomps away.

Like a female version of Garfield…

My cat has a 6-foot tall, $600 cat tree; a good-sized, filtered litter box; and tons of little toys. I let her jump on certain things like my bed and the bathroom counter, but definitely not the kitchen counter. Sometimes I feel sorry for her since my apartment is so small, but I just have to look at that cat tree and those feelings go away pretty quickly. When I get a bigger apartment I’ll make her a litter box box. Basically, a wooden enclosure for her litter box so she can do her business in total privacy (she likes her privacy when she shits, I swear).

Our two cats have their own room, complete with tall cat tree, covered litterbox, futon, electric water fountain, window for bird-watching, and perch points on top of two high bookshelves. They have the run of the house when we’re home but live in their room while we’re at work. And yeah, we let 'em jump on just about everything except my computer desk (too many things they could break there).

No, we don’t have kids. Why do you ask? :slight_smile:

The little guy is allowed to go anywhere he wants (in the house) – on counters, on the table, wherever. If I’m eating ice cream or something else that he likes, I let him eat off my spoon while I’m eating, which I understand is a major gross out for most people.

Gryffin likes to chase moths or other bugs, and although bugs are dumb, they seem to realize they have a better chance of getting away if they fly up high by the ceiling. So we carry him around, held aloft over our heads, helping chase the moths. We must look like people conducting a bizarre religious ceremony, holding high our diminutive cat god, and dancing around the house in the direction he indicates. The cute thing (well, only cat people think it’s cute) is that he knows he can trust us, so we just hold him by the butt, and he flails his little arms around and snaps at the moths. He has a special meow that means “pick me up!”

I also buy him gifts when I go on trips. I turn up my nose in gift shops when I see people buying things like “I (heart) my cat” coffee mugs. Ha! The cat doesn’t want a coffee mug, no, he wants a petite Waterford crystal bowl from which to eat his salmon.

Love the paneled cat box! I realize now that I have been remiss in properly appointing the cat box area.

At my wife’s last birthday after I had just given her her gift, my wife asked, “You mean you didn’t get Livestock anything? You know she’s going to be jealous, now.”

You know what? She clearly was.


Not only does Mitten have his own room, he has my room. He has my bed and the adjoining bathroom too.

Me? I sleep in the computer room. I don’t mind but my girlfriend is absolutely appalled.

Wow Guinastasia. this post has really made me think…my cats are spoiled rotten. I also have a whole separate room for my two cats, they have a big wooden box (tiled) for the two litter boxes. That is more for me than them though, it cuts down on the kicked-out-of-the-box litter. Then they have their food in the “cat room” too. I also have a six foot cat tree, but it didn’t cost $600, it was more like $200 about seven years ago…it’s getting old, I should buy them a new one. I have a shorter cat condo/tree too.

My cats sleep wherever they damn well please…Abby likes the top of the dining table, but we never eat there, we even leave her favorite fuzzy sweatshirts on top of the table so she has something soft to lay on.

We put up a bunch of bird feeders in the yard so the cats can watch the birds eat. Birdseed attracts squirrels that dig in my garden but I leave them alone because the cats like watching them. I grow grass indoors so the cats have something green to chew on.

Spoiled? I’m just thankful that my Siamese beast lets me live in her house. :wink:

one of my cats is a spoiled little bugger; its more her bed than mine!
ex.- when i go to sleep she always hops up on the bed an starts acting cute; sitting next to me, purring, being in a general state of furryness, etc.
eventually, she goes to sleep and strreeetches out and starts kicking me in the side, so i move over to give her room. naturally, it never occurs to me to remove kitty.
now, since apperently my job discription includes ‘source of warmth’, she scoots over next to me again, then the process repeats. i only have a single-size bed, so this doesn’t go on for more tha three cycles before i go over the edge. since i have two mattresses, that is a good four foot drop. then i grab one pillow (the other is for her, naturally!) and go to sleep on the floor.

So true. That’s one thing you learn as a cat owner - how to sleep in the strangest positions around your cat.

I complain endlessly when my girlfriend hogs three-quarters of the bed. But when it comes to the cat, I have no qualms when I have to contort myself in order to avoid waking him up.

Of course my girlfriend is appalled.

Ha! You actually think you OWN your CAT? ::snicker::

Tom’s favorite perch is the kitchen island. Fortunately, most of our friends are animal lovers and understand when the cat gets into party food.

Wally wakes me up for his breakfast, regardless of whether it’s a weekend. Guinness (dog, so, strictly speaking, not part of this thread) growls at me until I get out of bed and feed his cats. HE spoils them, too! It isn’t limited to the people!

My cat isn’t spoiled at all.You just have to know how to store them. It might be a little freezer burnt, but I think one of those vacuum-sealers would do the trick. :smiley:


My cat is so spoiled that she will only poop in her liter box one time. If it is not promptly completely scooped, the next dump will be in the bedroom floor. And I mean PERFECTLY SCOOPED. Thankfully, her higness still considers the liter box sufficient for peeing.

With her dry food, she will only eat the food on the very top of the bowel. After about the first half inch of food, she demands that it be freshened up before she will continue eating.

She insists on sleeping wherever she wants. If there is not room for your head on the pillow, tough, no pillow for you. She is very fat and knows how to use her mass to take up space.

She become much more spoiled after she became diabetic and needed extensive and expensive vet attention. Now, she figures that after we put so much money into her, she can get away with anything.

She is right.

When my neighbors moved out, I rented the apartment next door for my cats to live in by themselves. It is 1200 square feet. Since I have 3 cats, I feel that this is a little small for them, and I am waiting for a larger apartment to become available. I visit them several times a day to feed them and change their jewelry, although they occasionally fasten the security chain when they want privacy.

Dewey is allowed to do anything and everything he wants for the most part. He is so spoiled that I’ve purchased a separate airplane ticket for him so he can sit right next to me and not under the seat in front of me. He gets treats everyday. He has a cat tree, a cat hammock, 4 scratching posts and about 100 toys. And he keeps getting more and more things. He has 2 litter boxes that are both cleaned daily. But I have to say he is a very good boy. He’s very clean and sweet and loves me very much so what else can I do but spoil him? He’s a great companion. :slight_smile:


12 yo thread, fwiw.

I have 8 cats, all pretty spoiled. I bought the house that had the giant screened in porch because I thought it was perfect for them.

Our two cats were pretty spoiled. First, as indoor-only cats in a smallish condo, the 6foot tree and free run of the place seemed a poor little kingdom for them, but even still, I kept them out of the bedroom at night, 'cause they think tummies are trampolines.

Then we moved into a bigger house, with a yard and everything, and they got run of the house and yard and neighbor’s yard and the roofs…happy cats. Then, with the addition of the puppy, they got to sleep with us, too, since the puppy did, so that’s only fair. It wasn’t bad at all; think they wore themselves out in the yard during the day and actually SLEPT at night. They also had their own room with baby-gate to keep the puppy out. Their food, waterfountain, litterbox and window-perch was in there, though they weren’t in there that often.

Now they are pretty much confined to our bedroom with us, as we are crashing with in-laws until we get bills sorted out. No cat tree, plus 5 little dogs peering at them through the baby-gate, and two really big dogs in the yard, so absolutely no outside for them, and hardly any outside-the-room time. I felt really, really bad at first, but they seem alright, actually. Their revenge is that now they sleep all day, when the dogs are out and about, and explore the house at night, when the doggies are all asleep in their pen.

Which means…now they use my tummy as trampoline to get up to the window, and down from it, allllll night…looooooooooong.

Spoiled :slight_smile:

My cat is so spoiled, she’s a Zombie Cat.

And every single post in this thread has broken the cat thread = pic rule.

I await with bated breath the prompt linkage of cat pics via the Dopers Geocities accounts.