How to change the "guest" moniker in one's profile

if that is possible at all …

I messed around in the profile settings but without much success …



I don’t get it. :crazy_face:

Thank you, kind mod!

Current: Member
New: Last of the Riff-raff

This isn’t the thread for that. See post #2 for the correct thread.

Thanks, but that’s been locked for several days.
No biggie. It’ll get sorted out.

I think you’re confused about the semi-confusing system they’ve cobbled together to take care of us.

The “Custom Titles Queue” thread is NOT locked right now and IMO has never been locked. There is a different Mods-only thread called “Completed Title Changes Thread” that is always locked to us mortals.

You post your request in the former and when it’s done, they move your post into the latter. The former thread generally looks empty of requests because the mods are pretty quick to act on those requests. And the latter looks like it’s full of title requests, because it is. But those are the ones already done.

Ah, thanks!