How to Democratize the Middle East

I don’t know what criteria we’re basing this off of. You’re the one who brought up indiginous people so you tell me.


I believe you have me confused with Dex.

That’s a mess of burning Bushes.

Can we now pin the blame for global warming on these hundreds of millions of effigy burners rather than North Americans?

No, you’re the one bringing up indigenous folk. Dex was talking about moving non-indigenous people to new areas.

grienspace: I had the same idea, only I was thinking Wyoming. The Israelis did a great job with the miserable patch of desert that was given to them over there, I’m sure they could turn Wyoming into a place actually worth visiting.

Yes, I did have to drive through Wyoming. Twice. The long way across.

Kinda like Scotland eh?

Any country can make patch of desert green,providing USA taxpayers pay the bill.

Sure but that’s not how the Israelis did it.

Why the hell should we vote the way the Middle East thinks we should? That’s not democracy.

Except that you would create the Palestinian problem in Nevada, stupid.

I don’t want to go off the main OP,but can you enlighten me more please,how did they do it?

What kind of “Democracy” you talking about .Nobody wants American style Democracy.Real Democracy never existed in the USA.

Talk about being defeatist. Lets hope not alot of other people are holdong this viewpoint.

According the the spokesperson for The People, you’re too late.

Florida would seem to be the more logical choice.

Which way is the short way across?

In Wyoming, from west to east (or vice versa) is the long way across, from north to south (or vice versa) is the short way across. This is an easy question when the state is perfectly rectangular. I realize this post has absolutely nothing to do with the thread topic, I just wanted to show off my knowledge of rectangles. :slight_smile:

Would the long way across not be from the NE corner to the SW one? Or alternatively from the SE to the NW corner? I realize this post has absolutely nothing to do with the thread topic, I just wanted to show off my knowledge of diagonals. :slight_smile: