How to do number with dot below it in MS Word? Need answer fast-ish.

I need to find out how to put numbers with a dot below them in an MS Word document. It would look like Ạạ Ḅḅ Ḍḍ, but with numbers instead of letters. Any help would be appreciated! Even putting examples of these in your reply would be enough, because then I would just have to copy/paste them. This is for a paper I’m submitting tomorrow morning. I wish they took papers in LaTEX, because this would be so easy!

Equation Editor. I can’t seem to find anything optimal there but which might work. It almost looks like the older Equation 3.0 works better for this symbol (in 2007/2010, Insert>Object>Microsoft Equation 3.0).

Don’t know if it will help, but in Unicode U+0323 is the combining character you want. If you can see it, for instance : 5̣ 6̣ 8̣

That assumes you only need a single digit with a dot below it.

Thanks, guys! How do I implement the Unicode combining character in Word?

Why would anyone need to do this? Some sort of math thing?

If you’re writing about the ancient Greek writing system Linear B, and one of the characters on the tablet you’re writing about is damaged, you indicate that by putting a dot under that character. So, say, ṭọ-ro-no-wo-ko would indicate that the first sign, the to, was damaged, and it wasn’t certain that it was a to.

̣1 ̣2 ̣3

In MS Word 2007, I found it in menu tab

Insert>Symbol>More Symbols

then in [Font:] (normal text), [Character code:] 0323, [from:] Unicode (hex), press (click) <INSERT>.

This places the dot under where the character will go. Click that position, and type whatever character you wish to have the dot.

Ah, shoot, I have Word 2003, and it doesn’t have that option. Hmmm…can you do something similar in Open Office, I wonder?

If you can’t figure out how to do it in Microsoft Word 2007, then you can always produce the symbols in another application and then copy and paste them into your Word document.

However, your operating system almost certainly gives you some way of entering the characters just using some keyboard combination. Doesn’t Microsoft Windows have ALT+keypad combinations for inputting arbitrary characters?

Character Map will help with this (Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Character Map) - if you click ‘advanced view’, you can type in the unicode, then select, copy and paste into any document.

0323 is a combining dot, so pasting it into Word (or indeed most other text editing environments) makes it ̣ạp̣p̣ẹạr underneath the character immediately before or after the caret.

In Word 2003, just do “Insert … Symbol” and choose the “combining dot below” from the list. You can also get it by typing 0323 and hitting Alt-X to convert that number to its Unicode character equivalent. With the combining marks, this will put them above or below the character that appears before them, so you need to tell Word not to try to include that letter or number as part of the code Alt-X processes. To do this, highlight the 0323 with the mouse or with shift-arrow strokes, and hit Alt-X after the 0323 is highlighted.

̣So, if you want to get something like 6̣ just type 60323, highlight the 0323 part, and hit Alt-X. The 6 will convert to 6̣ like magic.