How to edit my post.

I’m not seeing the “Edit” button on my post, or any posts. What’s up with that?

It’s not allowed. Never will be. We deal. No big.

Preview. Learn it, love it, live it.

It strikes me as odd that someone with more than 200 posts and a join date in early 2003 hasn’t run across this yet. Are we being whooshed?

Well, editing your posts is still listed and explained in the FAQ. So I thought there was something wrong with the site today. So apparently it’s an option we used to have that has been removed. Nobody has bothered to update the FAQ which addresses it.

Well I’ll be damned. It is in there. Of course it also says “Note that the administrator can disable this ability as he desires.” And the administrator(s) have done so. But you are absolutely right - it’s in the FAQ.

Hey, so are PMs, calendar functionality and a Member List… none of which we have.

Now I feel all deprived. :wink:

All those wonderful little things that every other board in the world has don’t work here because it makes the hampster work too hard.

Well now hang on - I don’t really want the hampster able to edit posts … I mean, WHAT WOULD WE DO WITH THE GRAMMAR NAZIS?! Where would they go!!! What would they do?!!

Plus we would have to implement Double Gaudere’s Law, which reads “he who calls a fellow Doper on a typo will not only make a typo in his accusing post, but will not notice it when proofreading to edit his post.”

And that’s just insanity. Like this post.

What I personally favor is the format used by another message board-edit without notation within a few minutes to allow those :smack: errors which one scans for but doesn’t see until the post actually comes up to be corrected. No, someone shouldn’t be able to edit out a stupid allegation the day after it was made and claim they never stated such.

Those are vBulletin FAQs, not Straight Dope Message Board FAQs. Those are canned FAQs and either the admins chose not to or can’t edit them.

We have edited them in the past; any upgrade takes us back to boilerplate.

We’re redoing them anyway, before we load them up again . … to be replaced by vB boilerplate when again we upgrade. Tis ever the way.
