How to install IIS?

I want to install IIS on my XP Home box. Someone told me this was installable as an XP component but my version of Add/Remove WIndows components doesn’t seem to think so. All the info on MS web site makes it looks like a commercial product offered at big bucks.
Any hope for the home hobbyist? (I want to do some ASP development for a web site I have that is hosted on a Windows server; ASP is the only thing it supports.)

Instructions for installing IIS on Windows XP Pro.

IIS is not available in XP home.

If you are using XP Home you can’t run IIS. Do you want to develop in ASP or ASP.NET?

If ASP.NET you can download a free development environment called ASP.NET Web Matrix.

I’ve never used it so I don’t know how well it works, but the FAQs state that it has its own personal web server so no need for IIS.

Yeah, I was using Web Matrix at work just today, and the built-in server is more than adequate for testing purposes. (My friend’s box is running a web user service, with the front-end off of my machine). I know Apache has some modules to support ASP, but they may be more hassle than you want to put up with.

Cooking, my apologies for not realizing that you were using XP-Home.

I would consider installing Apache with the ASP estensions. It’s free and very stable.

Just plain vanilla ASP, haven’t looked into .NET at all.

I have Tomcat installed now, I’ll look into that. Thanks.