Long, rambling pointless post - my apologies in advance.
The story
Last Thursday evening, one of my lackeys working the evening shift (7pm-7am)came in an hour late, stayed for about 45 minutes, then left (without letting his coworker know he was leaving). No call to me saying “I’m sick & going home”, as required by policy (and drilled into every lackey’s head from Day 1 - if you’re gonna be late - CALL ME 24/7 - if you’re sick and can’t come in - CALL ME 24/7 my cell phone is ALWAYS ON blah blah blah CALL ME). So, I got a call around 9:30pm or so, after the guy who WAS working discovered his associate had left him high & dry (he had assumed he was getting stuff from the production floor), and called another worker to come in (following set procedure) to cover for the deserter. This all happened on the last day of a 7 day shift. I called the lackey for an explination on Friday, but got an answering machine. I left a nice message to call me when he had a chance.
Cut to Wednesday, the start of a new shift week, now on days (7am-7pm). Still no word from lackey, and he’s a no show. No call, nothing. Then I find out from another manager that said lackey had been asking him about working a day job (no nights), since he had to take another job (I’ll assume that was at night) because he was behind on some bills. The other manager didn’t know about the incident the prior week or his absence Wednesday (different department), but lackey had called him on Tuesday asking about the other (day) job. Um. Okay. He’s on the verge of being canned by not calling his own Dept Head (me), but he’s asking another Dept Head for a job?
Cut to today. Again, no show, and no call. That’s it-game over. Email sent to all Depts, stating lackey is no longer an employee, cancel passcards, escort from premises etc. I actually had to state in the email that the lackey “may not know that he no longer works here”, because we can’t contact him!). (Former) Lackey has successfully “resigned” his position by leaving / not showing up, all while attempting to get a different job IN THE SAME COMPANY (Figure the odds on that happening). The other Dept Head wasn’t about to take him in either, once he found out what he did to my Dept.
I just don’t get it. This guy loses his job the week before Thanksgiving & the Holidays, 3 weeks before the Company Xmas Party (Gifts, Prizes, & Bonuses aplenty) all because he didn’t make a goddamned phone call. He technically quit, so he can’t collect unemployment. Maybe he got another job? Am I missing something here? Why do this now?