How to respond to this email from ebay ?

I got this email from ebay:

When I follow the link there’s a question asking me to rate my experience with the seller from 0 to 10.

Problem is I didn’t actually buy the item. The seller was clearly stating that he won’t ship to my country but I didn’t notice that and hit the Buy Now button. Then I got a message from the seller that he doesn’t ship to my country, so I canceled the order.

What should I do now? Can I just ignore the email?

First, make sure it’s actually from ebay!
There is a known scam using just this technique.

The latest Ebay email scam is very tricky, believable and tempting. … You might think that belongs to ebay. Wrong!

Even if it is not a scam, you can still ignore it if you want to.

Well, unlike the sample scam, the mail the OP describes is directly connected to a transaction (a canceled one, but still a transaction). That reduces (though probably doesn’t eliminate) the possibility of a scam.

Still, there’s no reason not to ignore the e-mail. What’s eBay gonna do? Why would they do anything?

Just be careful it is the real eBay…someone may have gotten the transaction ID and be using it for spearPhishing… especially if you have to log in to participate in the survey.

I would not respond, but forward the message to

If the query is kosher, they’ll let me know.

If it’s really from ebay, it’ll appear as a message on the OP’s My eBay page.

Just ignore it. It’s a survey, no one cares if you personally don’t fill it out.

I just recently got an email supposedly from Paypal asking me to fill out a survey. It actually included that line about emailing Paypal to see if the survey was legitimate. They are getting smart, as the thought even crossed my mind that scammers wouldn’t do that. I actually suspect that many Dopers wouldn’t have stopped until later on in the process–when information was actually requested.

It doesn’t sound like it’s from eBay, because in my experience, eBay doesn’t give a crap about its customers. That’s why I’m no longer a customer of theirs.

I’ve gotten those emails from both legitimate transactions off ebay and scammers. I always ignore them since I don’t give a shit about their stupid surveys.