How to spell "the war is 'immanent'"?

I was looking for the correct spelling for a term (immanent) that means ‘impending’ but the definition doesn’t fit- When I look it up I get “existing within, inherent, subjective” etc. And of course, ‘eminent’ means outstanding. So have I just mis-used the word all my life (or maybe attached the wrong meaning to it when I’ve heard it) or is it a different spelling or what?

The word you are looking for is “imminent = ready to take place.”

imminent: impending, approaching, forthcoming ( from Latin in, upon and minere, to project).

immanent: dwelling within, pervading, inherent ( from Latin in, in and manere, to remain).

Ya know, given our bellicose impulses, immanent ain’t so far off the mark…:frowning:

Wouldn’t it be more correct to say “a war is imminent”, until it actually starts.

Okay, so now I feel really stupid; if only I had thought of one more spelling (or looked down the page a little farther)! It was really bugging me because I saw this in a local paper and it didn’t look right, so I immediately began trying to find it. THANKS!

I would say that, the supposed imminent Iraq danger to the US is really only immanent.