How to Stop Squirrels Chewing Christmas Lights

I know this is a ridiculous problem, but it’s really starting to drive me nuts. As a middle-aged man, I started putting up Christmas lights outside a few years ago. I’ve slowly replaced the old style incandescent lights with new LED light strings. All seemed well, but the squirrels have started to chew my lights up, and I’m getting tired of fixing them.

There seem to be two theories of why this is happening:

  1. The squirrels mistake the bulbs for acorns or nuts. It may well be–they seem go for the bigger bulbs and leave the small ones mostly alone
  2. New lights have a soy-based plastic that the squirrels like.

I’ve tried something called “Squirrel Mace,” but it doesn’t seem to work. Any suggestions for keeping the little tree rats away from my Christmas cheer?

Capsaicin is nature’s critter repellant–maybe try mixing some Tabasco sauce with enough water to thin it out, then add to a spritzer, spray on the lights and let dry. If Tabasco doesn’t work, move up to something like Dave’s Insanity Sauce (be careful not to get ti in your eyes!).

Rather than using repellents, maybe try feeding them? My gf tried to stop the deer from eating her rhododendrons but she was losing that battle. Then she started feeding the deer cracked corn and a peace agreement has been in effect for years.

There is a an additive made from corn syrup, polylactic acid, that used in some cheap wire insulation; it is a part of the process of “finishing” the plastic so it is shiny and smooth, IIRC. Squirrels (and other critters) key in on that and chew the wires.