How to stop the Menacing Clown problem.

Can we shoot mimes too? If so, I’m on board with this.

Trick or treat?

You need a suppressor. $200 fee and a 6 month background check and wait. If your state even allows it.

Yes, but you need a silencer.

All over YouTube.


It’s not really a problem. If attacked by a group of menacing clowns you simply go for the juggler.

Saw the thread title, saw the username, thought “Wow, mags is coming out against Trump!” Sadly, no.

Acceptable, as are official team mascots, paid performers at certain events, and those participating in parades. But rando walking down the street, no.

You don’t need a mask to be a clown…nor do you have to float boys and girls.

A felony??? When did this happen? I call bullshit.

Besides…clowns wear makeup…not masks. I’m assuming make up is just a misdemeanor?

I am not sure if it is a felony but there are lots of laws like

This one is from 1845 and was intended to keep vigilantes from operating anonymously.

LOL! Let’s go back to the quarry and have sex with clowns again! :wink:

Poor Opal. Too soon man, too soon. :frowning:

Every year the same.

Look, people, a completely natural solution is being devised: in a few weeks, thousands of Santas, the clowns’ deadliest predator, will be released and they will cull the population of clowns to a manageable size.

Having participated in several Santarchy celebrations, I’ll agree wholeheartedly.:smiley:

The claim was is it a felony to wear a mask in public. The first link is for loitering.

Here is a snopes article about the legality of wearing “Anonymous” masks in public

Seems like a populace armed with seltzer water would do the trick. Hard to look scary standing there in dripping makeup and soaked size 35 shoes. People might even laugh, which hey, would be a first for clownkind ever.

Is Sketchy manor anywhere near Fawlty Towers?

Sadly, it’s been recently demolished to make room for a clown conservatory performing arts center. Here’s the last photograph we have of the place, taken just before it was brought down by placed selzer bombs.

Credible cite, you idiot?

Edit: to be clear, I’m asking for a credible cite that any actual real person has violated any actual real law.

I just want to say I find it really courageous, what you’re doing. They say when one clown comes out of the closet, he leads the way for a dozen others.