How to survive a pitting?

I’ve only been pitted once, IIRC. A poster was greatly offended by one of my trademark glib responses and pitted me in a highly emotional OP.

I was fortunate enough to not know of the existence of Pit Thread for awhile. I actually found out about it by reading e-mails from a few kind people who wrote to me to warn me about it so I wasn’t blind-sided. By the time I showed up, plenty of posters had already defended me and appealed to the OPer to take a step back and calm down. So all the groundwork was laid and I all really had to do was to show up and acknowledge the thread. (To ignore it would have been rude, IMO. Pain caused inadvertently is still pain.) Matching the emotion of the OP would have served no purpose except to get one or both of us banned.

My advice for surviving pittings is the same advice I give posters who are spinning out of control:

If you find yourself getting so upset that it’s affecting your “real” life (e.g. you’re kicking the dog or you can’t sleep cause you’re so keyed up), take time out and feed the ducks. Only return when you can be rational.

The absolute best survival method is to be a mod. That way, you can let the flogging go on for several pages, type out your final-word/magnum-opus, and then lock everybody else out of the thread.

What’s so wimpy about Librarians?

Be careful how you answer 'cause I’m just dying to open a big old can of whoop-ass on yer sorry hide! :wink:

Wabbit <who also happens to be a librarian, but one absolutely soaked with testosterone and studliness>

Lib: have you noticed how often, if a doper is calling out a mod, he will title the thread something like “UncleBeer I’m slightly annoyed” or “David B, please can we talk”. If a doper is calling out another ordinary doper, the thread is more likely to be titled “Go fuck a goat you stupid CUNT”. :slight_smile:

That’s probably because mods have those shiny BAN buttons we peons don’t. :smiley:

Indeed. I am quite certain I owe my perfect record to my careful choice of username ;).

  • Tamerlane

I must have been pitted in record time. Don’t fuck with the Librarian . He can read and stuff. :wink:

:smiley: That’s cute, Hank. I pitted you pretty hard, I guess. You seem to have recovered quite nicely. Welcome to Straight Dope.


I’m pretty sure I’ve done a “David, you suck” thread at least once. I actually think he’s a great moderator. He’s just a bit bully-ish.

I don’t get pitted. Maybe people are afraid of…DEATH BY TICKLING!!! AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Ashkicker, because you’re new here, I’ll let you know that typing “alot” when you mean “a lot” will get you banned. No, really, I mean it. I am not a grammar Nazi. Who said that?

For your reference, I was, up until a month or so ago, a rather constant presence on the Foo Fighters postboard - a postboard which, all things being equal, is remarkably well behaved and intelligent - especially considering the potential for youngsters to run willy nilly around the place.

Interestingly, I was up around 2,800 odd posts and I’d been there for quite some time - and slowly, I noticed a trend which sadly got me in no end of trouble - a trend which I don’t perceive as being prevalent here on the Straight Dope board at all, oddly enough.

And the trend? It was a trend I jokingly referred to as “Foo Website Royalty” - and in essence, it was this - there was/is a collection of 8 or so folks who are real old hands, who have super high post counts - and in effect, they tend to conduct themselves above the law, as it were.

Being the guy that I am, I couldn’t help but get hot under the collar about the de fact double standard involved - namely, newbies would get reprimanded and sometimes banned for behaviour which the “Gang of Eight” as I called them, could get away with. It’s worth noting that the “Gang of 8” regularly used to have private “friendly” conversations with the Foo postboard moderators outside of the postboard as well.

In short, I spoke out about it one too many times. I never once swore, nor abused anyone, or did the sock puppet thing etc - but I was banned eventually for having too many “personal issues” - which oddly, wasn’t the case - it was the double standards I had problems with.

Rather refreshingly, I don’t see those sort of double standards here at all.

I did learn something from the Foos Postboard though - and it’s this - postboards have an inherently “kindergarten” kind of quality to them - insofar as, just like when you’re a little kid, the concept of “punishment” is kinda abstract and as a result, you tend to push the envelope of “acceptibility” more.

The posts above which have mentioned being able to see the warning signs etc are very wise posts. Just like in life, there will always be certain personalities which get on our nerves - I’ve reached a point where my personal battle is to never let such people know they have that power over me. I fail occasionally of course.

Great post, Boo! Thanks.

Better watch your ass, Boo Boo Foo. I think you just triggered the radar of the SDMB Elite[sup]TM[/sup].


Heh Heh Heh.

[…taking notes…]

Thanks for pointing that out featherlou. I am suprised I haven’t been banned yet then, because my writing, typing, grammer, punctuation and everything else in that category stinks. I already know that.:frowning:


Thanks :smiley: Lib! I may just learn something after all.

[list=1][li]I pitted you? Who are you? :confused:[/li]
[li]Why “of course?” :confused:[/li]
[li]It’s nice to know I count for something. ;)[/list=1][/li]

I have been pitted once (recently) I came out smelling of febreeze.

I vaguely remember saying something not too nice to Coldfire in a pit thread title. (I hope he doesn’t :()

If I remember rightly it contained words like ‘fuck’.

I am not proud of being an exception to your rule samarm