How will Buffy end? You decide!

Buffy has to make a choice and she won’t choose Dawn.

Elaborate please…What do you mean??

You can’t just give us that little tidbit! Is this something you know, think, or heard about??

I’m in suspense!:eek:

Meatros, there are no spoilers at all pass the sides for 18.

This is the best, heh heh.

—Elaborate please…What do you mean??
You can’t just give us that little tidbit! Is this something you know, think, or heard about??—

Unless you or I got wooshed, that little tidbit was already aired in the show. It’s what Joyce told Dawn in Conversations with Dead People.

I think I just got wooshed. It’s been a long day at work and I was casually reading the post and I thought it was another post entirely.:smack: :smack:

I have wanted this ever since I saw “Nightmares” from season 1, wanted it even more when her and Angel were together, and really, really want it now that (in the world in my head) Buffy and Spike are together.

The show should have a tolerably happy ending, but nothing so grand as to cheese everyone out.

I been thinking (yes, I know-bad idea) and if they are going to continue the series after SMG, then I think it would be interesting if Buffy became a Vampire without a soul, you know pure evil. She could be the ultimate all-time big bad.
I’ve always wondered why the buffy verse never explored the issues of a slayer turned evil vampire…

I like the Kristy Swanson/Luke Perry idea very much, but short of that I’d end the series on a very down note. Xander, the one constant in Buffy’s life, gets turned and Buffy must stake him. After she does so she goes mad and the series ends with her in the mental institution, and we viewers don’t know for sure whether its a mental institution in Sunnydale or the one in L.A. from “Normal Again.”

Faith is killed in the Final Battle Against Evil [sup][sub]TM[/sup][/sub], thus sparing us from a “Faith the Vampire Slayer” show. I mean, really, who wants to watch a spinoff about a boring non-character who was only introduced to the show as a plot device… oh, yeah, there are people who actually do watch a spinoff about a boring non-character who was only introduced to the show as a plot device.

The Hellmouth opens and Buffy has to fling herself into it in order to close it- only seconds after she finally tells Spike she loves him. Spike wants to go with her, but she tells him to protect Dawn- which he does with a lot more success than in “The Gift”.

Spike goes on to become the next Slayer’s Watcher (the safe money is on Kennedy, which means it will probably be Chao Ahn, Molly or Amanda).

Willow and Kennedy go to Hawaii and get married. Some question arises as to whether California will recognize the marriage as legally valid.

Anya uses her ill-gotten money from “Him” to open a new magick store.

Xander, after seeing the One True Love of His Life fling herself into the Hellmouth only seconds after telling a freaking vampire that she loves him, crawls into a bottle of Jim Beam and never comes out.

Giles turns evil- think Ethan Rayne only with more attitude- goes back to England, marries Olivia so he can use her in bizarre sex magick rituals, and finds a shaman who can steal Spike’s soul. Olivia finds out, steals the bottle, hexes the toaster so it will electrocute Giles next time he tries to make toast, and returns it to a grateful Spike, who has been feeling cold and dead inside just of late. The two of them have a brief, but sweet, love affair which ends because Olivia realizes that he’s not over Buffy. They part friends. (actually, I think there’s a mini-series in this)

Principal Wood goes on to live a normal life- at least as normal a life as a person can live in Sunnydale.
Dawn finds out that she has Key powers that can open and close dimensional portals without having to bleed on them, and goes off in search of Buffy- she leaves a note, so nobody finds out what she’s up to until after she’s gone. Spike is very upset that she didn’t take him with her. She is never seen again.

Clem finds a future as a professional snack-food taster.

Andrew is, er, accidentally run over and killed by a black 1958 De Soto. Nobody can give a description of the driver because the windows are covered with black spray paint.

Hey, anything for a fellow Doper. :wink:

Per Joss, it’s something dramatic and romantic that will piss everyone off?

Let’s see, one of Buffy’s old lovers comes back and they ride off into the sunset? Not very dramatic. They hurl themselves into the Hellmouth to close the portal? Possibly.

But who? Oh let it not be Riley of all people. Spike? Egads, no. Dru is the only woman for him. Angel? (momentary pause to sigh at the vision of his shadowed eyes and granite jaw). Can’t be him because he’s off on another show. Giles? Oh, please. Gross. That’s like riding off with your dad. Xander? Oh, let’s not do the Friends thing. Principal Wood? He’s a hottie but not the love of her life.

I guess it has to be Clem.

And what’s more ewww

I know!! It will be Clem, the Vampire Slayer!

This is how Buffy should end, kind of Run-on but, here:

Angeles comes to Sunnydale, wanting revenge against Buffy for spiking Angel. He has disguised himself as Angel, they Crew not knowing he has turned to Evil Vampire Angeles. She and Angel get together just like old times. But Spike has followed Buffy, because of his concern for her, and since Spike is a Vampire he feels something is not right with Angel. As things get Hot for Buffy and Angel, Angeles comes out and before Buffy can react, he sucks her blood turning the One True Slayer enter a Vampire. Spike seeing this, is freaked, he can not believe what he has just seen. He goes back to the Crew, and persuades them to get Faith back. Faith has to kill Buffy, Spike goes after Angeles before he leaves town. Faith is successful, with the help of the Crew, but Spike is unable to keep Angeles from leaving, since Angeles is more Strong and Powerful than Spike. The Crew bury Buffy, and this time she stays resting, they do not resurrest her. Faith is declared the New Slayer, Giles trains her, Spike helps as a Watcher and the Crew helps Faith as they helped Buffy.

The show goes on, but with different Slayers. You have Cross-Over from the Show Angel, and you can also Cross-Over Faith and Angel, in the his show, because the Crew has to avenge Buffy.

Whenever we watch Dances with Wolves, my wife turns it off just as they’re all getting on their horses to ride off into the hills.