What ages would you set as defining, generally speaking, the various parts of the human life cycle?
An example is my opinion:
Infancy: 0-2
Toddler: 2-4
Early Childhood: 4-7
Late Childhood/PreTeen Years: 8-12
Early Teenage Years: 13-14
Mid Teen Years: 14-16
Late Teen Years: 17-20
Early Young Adulthood: 21-24
Late Young Adulthood: 25-29
Adulthood: 30-44
Early Middle Age: 45-49
Middle Age: 50-65
Late Middle Age: 65-69
Early Aging: 70-75
Middle Aging: 76-80
Elderly: 80+
Wow that’s a lot of divisions. Shakespeare only gave seven:
Infant (mewling and puking)
Schoolboy (whining and creeping unwillingly to school)
Lover (sighing like a furnace)
Soldier (sudden and quick in quarrel)
Justice (round belly and beard of formal cut)
Pantaloon (spectacles, his youthful hose now a world too wide)
Second childishness (sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything)
Erickson has eight:
Stage 1 - Trust vs. Mistrust
Stage 2 - Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Stage 3 - Initiative vs. Guilt
Stage 4 - Industry vs. Inferiority
Stage 5 - Identity vs. Confusion
Stage 6 - Intimacy vs. Isolation
Stage 7 - Generativity vs. Stagnation
Stage 8 - Integrity vs. Despair
I, for one, think that is too few. For instance Early Middle Age, Middle Age, and Late Middle Age could be broken down into Early Early Middle Age, Middle Early Middle Age, Late Early Middle Age, Early Middle Middle Age, Middle Middle Middle Age, Late Middle Middle Age, Early Late Middle Age, Middle Late Middle Age, and Late Late Middle Age.
As the owner of 2 year old and 4 year old children I find it very difficult to come up with good divisions for the early years. A new born is vastly different from a 1 year old, or even just from a 6 week old.
0-2 baby
2-4 toddler
5-12 kid
13-19 teenager
20 Nothing. You’re absolutely nothing for this year.
21-35 young adult
36-59 middle aged
60 and up is old.
As I near 60, the idea of “thirds” has appealed to me.
0-30 - the first third is spent largely learning and growing.
31-60 - the second third is largely spent “striving” - establishing your career/household, having kids, focusing on getting the kids educated/employed/independent, saving/planning for retirement
61-90 - the final 3d is spent living. How do you want to spend the final 3d of your life?
0-3: Non-sentient.
4-12: “Everything is exciting!”
13-17: “Everything sucks!”
18-22: “Woooooo college! Woooo–” [vomit]
23-30: “Relationships are hard!”
31-42: “So are careers!”
43-54: “No daughter of mine is going out dressed like that!”
55-75+: [More sex than anyone is comfortable admitting]