How would you describe the Doper above you to a RL friend

Someone whose username almost gives me a headache.

A Dunadain and an attorney.

An Irish-German rodent with impeccable taste.

He’s a muni court magistrate in Northeast Ohio. Bit of a polymath.


There is no Doper above me.

Once was involved in the Steelers thread and inadvertantly confused me.

Someone whom I’ve never seen before and will be disappointed by my terribly inept description of him/her, but presumably him.

Good taste in music.

Librarian, youngish (although not as young as when he started posting :slight_smile: ), has a fairly wide range of interests and knows at least a little about a lot…uh…I really should remember more specifics than that, since I know we’ve interacted in a zillion threads. There was only one time I remember him pissing me off, and I don’t remember the topic now, so I’d say he’s generally a pretty good guy.

I think you’re thinking of the other Justin. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, jeez, am I? Is there another Justin? Or are you whoooshing me, boy? :dubious:


I think Justin Bailey is a lilbrarian, so I assume you’re thinking of him.

Has been known to be mistaken for Justin Bailey.

:smack: Indeed. Bailey it was. (And I actually just remembered that before I opened the thread again.)

Uh…yeah, sorry, Justin Credible. Don’t remember a darn specific thing about you. The bad news is that means you haven’t pissed me off at least once. You’ll have to try harder. :wink:

**WhyNot **was born in Jersey, studying to be a nurse, mother of two, Wiccan, was or is polyamorous, good person to talk to.

Close. Born in Illinois, raised in both New Jersey and Illinois (divorced parents), is agnostic neopagan (but Wiccan’s pretty close). Am poly by nature and had a poly marriage, but now in a happily monogamous relationship by choice. :slight_smile:

I actually could say stuff about you, What Exit?, but that would ruin the flow of the game. So I’ll just say that What Exit? isn’t my dad, but for a few days I thought he was! :smiley:

Next player: how would you describe What Exit?

Oh, that’s Jim – the answer to his username is “109”. Throws a damn fine DopeFest, has a lovely wife, a couple of ridiculously cute kids, and a very nice rooftop solar panel setup. Loves my NY Giants and is a rabid Yankees fan.

Hal is from New Jersey, is a family man with a cute kid, roots for the Giants, has an undying hatred toward everything for which I have ever expressed any semblance of affection, claims to not enjoy sexual relations with ovids, and is all-around a decent, funny, interesting guy despite having more or less the worst tastes imaginable. (He can be forgiven for this; spending extended periods in New Jersey would alter the perspective of the best of men beyond the brink of rationality.) He steadily remains on my list of Top 5 Dopers To Have A Beer With Someday.