How Would You Interpret This Wordless Sign?

Bingo. “Don’t open the window! Wait, it’s an emergency? Open the window!!!”

You in wheelchair, and you with the cane, stand up, I know you’re just being lazy. Look up, don’t look at this thing. STOP, STOP, STOP!!! Now, look at this thing to the right.

Old people can’t roll for shit when using Zig-Zags. E-Z Wider is OK.


"There’s a very fine line between being disabled and being elderly. To illustrate; it’s like there’s a glass ceiling through which you cannot pass. Wait a minute! You can pass through it, sideways. "

This has been your daily motivational speech - now get out there and go for it!

If you have a wheelchair that can transform into a cane, do not make the window go up. Make it go sideways.

It’s Charles Xavier’s Twitter.

Stuck in wheelchair - bored. Wait - can hobble now! Onwards and upwards! Death to print journalism! Fuck, it’s Upside-Down Vulva Woman - and she’s angry! Whew - Green Arrow to the rescue! Hurrah for comics after all!

If the elderly or infirmed want Juicy Fruit gum, don’t go further, it’s right here!

Guy sitting on exercise ball.
Guy pulling really long worm out of the ground.
That thing above the sign,
that’s not a window!!
Now that’s a window.

Handicapped and elderly going to heaven don’t forget your paperwork or you won’t get in. You’ll have to go to purgatory and fill out the proper form.

That’s great!

“If you are sprayed with an unknown substance, stand and think about a cool design for a new tattoo.”

Good one!

It seems to me that the sign has been left there since the bus was used to ferry people to a concert. It is informing them how to insert their ticket into the automated turnstile to gain access. Obviously the first bit specifies which concert it is - The Rolling Stones.

Ah, gotcha. You had me a little worried… :wink:

There are three separate pictograms. It’s a mistake to look at them as a single one.

  1. Handicapped seating.
  2. Elderly seating.
  3. Window does not open upward – swing it out.

Not really all that hard.

Yeah. Too bad – 'cuz the one linked above though is pretty funny.

I’m pretty sure it means “Never open this window. In case of red octagons, open the window to the right.”

Left Panel - The seat is meant for the elderly and mobility restricted.

Right Panel - This window (shown by red arrow pointing up) is not to be pushed up( the red prohibitory sign). Only when the bus is stopped (exclamation mark on the stop sign), push in the direction of the green arrow to open the window.

Semioticists Do It Cryptically.

Btw, I’m a “she”. This has been fun!

I’m all giggly.