Hulk Davidson is booorn to be wiii-iii-iiiild...

Anyone who’s played the video game Viewtiful Joe or been near someone in the process of getting through that level is probably wincing right now. Sadly, my boyfriend does not number among those so blessed and he can only experience my very poor rendition of the Hulk Davidson song. This must be remedied, and quickly.

I’ve been trying to track down a sample of the song (which, for the uninitiated, goes “Daaaaaavidson is in the houuuuuuuse! Hulk Davidson is booorn to be wiii-iii-iiiild. Heh heh heh.” That’s it. In its entirety. Then it repeats a lot.) so he can begin to have some idea of what it’s like, but I can’t seem to find anything. I’d appreciate anything anyone can find or record, even if it’s of “hold the microphone near the speakers” quality.

Also, Hulk Davidson is born to be wild. Just so you know.

Here you go

Hooray! Thank you so much!

The boyfriend laughed very hard.