Humor in the Bible?

Martin Gardner touches on humor in the KJV in chapter 18 of The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix, which contains reprints of his Scientific American columns.

Gardner also mentions the Peter/rock pun, which is pretty well known.

David Steinberg used to do biblical humor. He is currently a Hollywood producer and played the quirky rabbi at the funeral in the “hoo moos” episode of Mad About You. During the credits for this episode he delivers a short, odd biblical anecdote. In the 60’s he was stand-up comedian and had an album titled The Incredible Shrinking God which contained biblical humor he used in his act. Toned-down versions of his routines on the Smothers Brothers show caused its cancellation!

The only part of this I remember goes something like this.

One day, Moses was tending his sheep in the desert, and suddenly he heard his name “Moses” spoken by a voice that sounded a lot like Charlton Heston (imagine God as a Northwestern graduate).

So he turned towards the voice and saw a bush that was burning and yet did not consume itself! How about that, folks!

Then the voice said “Moses, take thy sandals from off thy feet for the land you are standing on is holy land.”

Moses took off his sandals, approached the bush and burned his feet!

And God said “Aha, third one today!”

Moses swore. We do not know exactly Moses said, but some biblical scholars contend this is the first mention of Christ in the Bible.