After sending out hundreds and hundreds of applications and resumes, I’ve finally got a job. Interviewed at T-Mobile today for a call center job and got offered the position on the spot, pending background check. I was so happy and excited I left the interview without even asking the pay or when I would start. :smack: I mean, it wasn’t offered up to me either but I probably should have asked. Doesn’t really matter since any pay is better than nothing. But now I have to wait till I hear abck about the background check to find out those kinda important things. But…employed. finally!
I spent 10 years doing call center training. The turnover is amazing. Show up every day on time, be bright, positive and professional. You will likely be a team lead in 6 months and a supervisor in a year.
Yeah, I have some experience working in a call center. It looks like a really good place to work. I just wish I knew when I started lol
Yay! I assume you didn’t say fuck
Hooray! I’m very happy for you!
Congrats on the good news!
Congratulations! It’s tough out there!
I look forward to bitching you out when something goes wrong with my phone service!
I’m just kidding. I’ve actually never had to call T-Mobile about anything, my service from them has been excellent. From what I’ve heard and read, it’s a great company to work for.
Congratulations and good luck to you.
Thanks guys I’m excited but at the same time a bit nervous. I haven’t worked since I was pregnant with my daughter and she’s 5. So it’s gonna be a big adjustment to get back into the swing of things. Gonna be hard for my daughter too. She got upset when I told her and said she didn’t want me to leave her alone all day.
But I told her that once I get back on my feet and we get our own place, I’d get her a guinea pig. Bribery works! She’s fine with it now lol
Ha ha - I know the feeling. I used to call my pay the ‘froggie money’ for these haribo frog sweets I’d get as a treat for myself and my daughter. She must have thought they cost a fortune!
Heck, it’s like riding a bicycle- you’ll get right back into it in no time! Congratulations!!
Is your daughter in kindergarten? Pack her a snack bag or lunch each day and put little love notes and questions in them. She will love being a Big Girl and telling you all about her day when you see her in the evening. It will be fabulous. Good luck to both of you!
Congrats! T-Mobile is possibly the only company I’ve done business with in the last ten years where every single experience I had with their call center was memorably positive. Each time I was helped quickly (less than a minute on hold) by a knowledgeable, friendly employee who fixed my problem. Same experience in the stores. Their customer service is fabulous.
Yeah I plan to do that when she starts Kindergarten in the fall I worry a lot about being a single, working mom but more for her sake than my own. But lots of people do it every day and raise awesome kids in the process so I’m sure I can do it too.
Yes, I’m getting a very positive view of them from just popping around online looking at what people say. I’m confident in my own customer service skills, but I am still a bit nervous. The guy who hired me said he has a history of hiring the top employee in the training class and he expected me to keep his record going. No pressure lol
More congrats!