Hurrah for frogs!

This long dreary week of overcast, drizzle, rain – rinse and repeat – has been coaxing frogs out of their autumn somnolence into a final frenzy of road-crossing hopping. One of my usual routes traverses a woodsy winding back road where the assorted amphibians were out in force the other evening. As I drove along in the drizzly dusk they kept flinging themselves toward annihilation under my tires.

Now, frogs aren’t exactly critters I’d like to cuddle, but I take no pleasure in squashing them. Indeed, I try to avoid them whenever possible. I found myself slowing to a crawl, from the posted 30 MPH to under 20, so that when the headlights picked up hopping bodies I could slow or swerve with some hope of not nailing them.

Which turned out to be a Good Thing when I crept around a sharp corner and saw the hulking shattered tree limb that the winds had ripped down into my side of the road. At the posted speed I’d have had no time to swerve to the left and avoid smashing huge chunks of dead tree into my tires and undercarriage.

So let me offer this small token of appreciation to my amphibian benefactors. May your vernal pool long survive!

I thank you.

Welcome to the club! I’m a giant fan of frogs, see. My wife laughs at me when I drive slow in our neighborhood to avoid squishing my little buddies, and I very careful when mowing the lawn as not to run over them. There’s one that lives in our pond that I see almost every day during the spring and summer, I’ve named him Klaude after my EverQuest character.

I really like frogs. They’re so cute. Even their name. Frogs. Soooo cute!

How felicitous that I posted this on the very day you became a Guest! Welcome to the board, Kermit, and may you have many more than five posts and become helplessly addicted to this place, to the point of paying up and becoming a Member. :smiley:

I am also a frog lover. I have two argentinian horned frogs. One is Digger and the other is…Kermit :slight_smile: Thank you for the welcome eddyteddyfreddy . Its too late for me. I’ve been addicted to straightdope for a few years now. I dont know what made me finally post. Well I guess I just had to share my tmi story. (sorry dont know how to link yet)

My bug-eyes friends thank you for trying to not squish them.

Kermit (cant express my unbridled glee at getting that name)

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Yay, frogs!

How can anyone not love a frog?

<3 to the amphibians

Its not easy being green.

::raising hand:: I’m terrified, to the point of incoherency, of frogs. It’s a source of great amusement at work.