
For some reason I cannot get hyperlinks to work in these forums. I have tried doing it several times and I have no problems on other forum boards so what am I doing wrong?

Easy way: just type/paste in the URL, and make sure “Automatically parse URLs” is checked when you post. That will display the URL (abbreviated if it’s long), and provide it’s clickable link. Like so:


or a long one:
Nicer way: use the URL tag, like so, but you should use the square brackets- […] instead of the ones I use here.

{url=http://fathom.org/jjtm}My whore of a website{/url}

That will display:

My whore of a website

It’s a different code. Instead of using these brackets: < > you have to use these:

The url should not be in quotation marks, either. So your link will look like this (without the asterisks):

[url=http://www.whatever.com] whatever.com [/url]

Thank you