Hypothetical Question #1

Would you rather:

  1. Lose your sense of taste entirely for the rest of your life.

  2. Lose complete control of your bladder, and as a result need to wear a diaper 24-7 for the rest of your life.

Choose one and only one answer, with out any "if"s or "but"s.

I would rather:

  1. Lose my sense of taste entirely for the rest of my life.

BTW- Looks like we’re going to have to throw a post party for you soon, eh, Omni?

I agree with sk8r: Lose my sense of taste entirely for the rest of my life.

You would have to think about the consequences and benefits of both. The diaper would be incredibly embarassing and losing your sense of taste would make cooking food a waste of time.
I’d opt to lose my sense of taste.


Loss of taste, no question. I already have no sense of smell, so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch, since my sense of taste is pretty weak anyway.

I’ll lose complete control of my bladder, just so if I ever happened to urinate in your mouth you would never know.

I’d go with taste too… I wouldn’t want to wear a diaper adn wetting myself would be too embarrassing… at least when I don’t have tastebuds I could eat pretty much anything and be able to gross people out… I also wouldn’t have to worry about gagging over the taste (just the texture)

I would have to go with losing taste as well. Not because I’d find being incontinent embarrassing–I don’t see a lot of point to being embarrassed about what can’t be helped–but because it would be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Loss of taste wouldn’t be fun either–I like food–but it at least wouldn’t entail any special measures. And for that matter, maybe I’d like food enough less that I’d lose weight.

This one is too easy… definitely [1]. Heck, I might be eager for that to happen, given my food tastes, which are that there are very few things I actively like and lots of things I can’t stomach. Plus, I don’t much like healthy food. If I had no sense of taste at all I could just eat healthy food quickly and cheaply and get on with my life…

No contest. Strap that diaper on, baby, 'cause I love food too much.

I choose loss of bladder. I’m sick of skid marks, I might as well get something for my money.

Loss of taste: 7
Bladder incontinence: 3

I’m going to have to go with losing taste.

I think if that happened, one would grow to enjoy textures of food rather than flavor, so eating could still be fun.

Plus, I would probably be in better health because my food choices would be wiser if taste were not an issue.

Lose my sense of taste? Ye gods, never!

Can you picture me wearing navy with beige, or white after Labor Day, or—heaven forfend!—carrying a straw handbag while wearing suede shoes?!

Hand over those Depends, but leave me my sense of taste!

I like food. I like food a lot. So I’ll go bladder, but can I have a catheter instead of a diaper?

Loss of taste. Diapers would be so inconvient, and I haven’t seen anyone make a stylish diaper bag for adults yet. Plus, diapers cost tons of money, while losing my sense of taste could save me money since I’d only buy and eat the most sensible, nutritious and economical choices. I’d probably loose these extra 20 pounds, too.

Though either would be rather tasteless in it’s own way, I’d have to go with losing my sense of taste.

Definitely rather lose my sense of taste. Food is no big deal, but I would hate to have to wear diapers. It’s icky. Half the time I don’t even wear underwear, so I would have to get all new clothes too.

I love food. I mean, I LOVE food. Having said that, I am also disgustingly practical. I don’t want to be sloshing around in a leaky Depends. If I am given a choice, I’d have to give up my sense of taste.