hypothetical questions - marijuana related

The thread on street corner price negotiations for street drugs got me wondering…

I have no experience in this area, so I would have no idea of where to go, or what street corner to head to if I wanted to purchase anything.

But say I had a father who was suffering from cancer, or glaucoma… and marijuana was suggested to him to help reduce the pain. How would someone like me be able to get him what he needed?

  1. Are there obvious signs to draw customers in to certain urban/suburban areas? I would assume that these places would have to be relatively safe for the seller to attract and retain repeat business, but I’ve never seen a transaction, except on TV. Maybe I just don’t know what to look for, but I’ve never seen a Jay and Silent Bob operation, or something like The Wire portrayed, in real life.

  2. Let’s say instead of buying direct, I decide to grow my own. How would you get the seeds? Is it legal to have seeds if you don’t plant them? Can seeds be mailed without any concerns of being stopped by the post office? I assume that if online pharmacies can move pills through the mail, shipping seeds might be legal even if planting/growing of them wouldn’t be.

  3. assuming seeds are mailable, are there ads placed in magazines like “High Times” (I don’t know if this is even in print) that would advertise this type of thing?
    FTR, I’m just wondering how things really work and what, if any, distinctions are made for seed vs. the final product. If this thread crosses any line, mods please lock it. I thought that asking these questions would be ok based on the thread I mentioned earlier in my OP because negotiating for street drugs and bulk deals seems to be an acceptable question, even if it is discussing an illegal activity (i.e. buying drugs from a street corner.)

It depends on your country & state. Federal law prohibits sale or possession of non-sterile sees (those capable of sprouting). Seed is a commonly found nuisance component in cheap pot; there’s hardly any reason to acquire it specially unless you want to try growing some of the boutique varieties.

Needless to say, growing is highly illegal and can carry stiff penalties (I have heard that they base it on the amount of pot that that the plant can generate over its useful lifetime).

As to street transactions, not gonna comment on that except to say that if you don’t already know a location, then it’s unwise to go looking for some. Sign up for some arts classes at your local community college, and you might gain some knowledge.

Don’t go looking for street dealers, please. Okay, Mom hat off…

You can see if there are medical marijuana co-ops in your area. Be aware that they can be busted by federal agents at any time, and hope like hell you aren’t inside at the time.

Growing your own isn’t as easy as it sounds, or everyone would do it. You will get tons of stemmy, weedy crap before you learn to grow a decent, buddy crop. And it’s a bigger legal problem than simple possession.

Ask your friends where to buy, or have someone buy it for you. You will be surprised which of your friends has a friend or a brother who can score. You’ll be even more surprised at which of your friends can score for you! :wink:

High Times has a lot information on growing but no longer carries advertising for the dutch seeds that are sold on the internet.

From their website: Acquisition of live cannabis seeds is illegal in the United States.

Thanks for your concern and warning, but no worries… I really don’t understand this world at all, and I’d be completely out of my element. So rest easy, and thanks for the “mom” hat! :slight_smile:

I’ve heard of these (I think they exist in California, but from what I understand, the federal laws trump the state laws regarding this.) What I don’t understand is why the patrons would be in trouble. They cannot get served unless they have a valid doctor prescription, correct? So, does the doctor get arrested too?

Is this because if you grow you are considered a potential supplier/dealer? Do they consider the number of plants and the condition of the person growing it? I guess this is why people are pushing for medical marijuana legislation.

I don’t know who would be more shocked… me finding out who could “score” for me, or the person I’d ask! I’m about as ignorant about this subject as someone could possibly be.
Thanks for the great answers!

I would assume then, that they would not ship to a US address? Where is it legal to ship the dutch seeds to?

Highly unlikely. Cultivating is a crime in and of itself, the way I understand it.

Everybody I know who tried to grow pot when I was in college did quite well. Of course, we’re all a bunch of nerds, and they all did plenty of research and bought awesome lights. If you’re going to do it, and do it right, it should be no harder than growing any other plant; it just takes a bit of research.

Believe it or not, almost anyone you ask will know someone who can get the stuff regularly.
IOW, hypothetically, you might want to ask one of your closer friends if they know anyone who smokes. That person will likely have a safe, reliable contact.

Actually, there are tons of ads for seeds in High Times.

As far as finding where to buy, most smokers know where to go by word of mouth. For instance, during the 90’s THEE place to go get herb was on “D Street” in D.C. It was right off South Capitol St, right across from the 7-11 and McDonalds. Go back in there and literally EVERYONE walking on the street was selling pot, even the children. I shit you not.

Word of mouth got out finally and I guess someone who was important or one of their kids got caught down there and the cops finally put an end to it. They pretty much bulldozed the whole area and put up town homes. They also sold heroin back in there too. Well. they sold everything I guess. And no, it was NOT a safe place. I lost hundreds of dollars down there from snatch and run people. I’d roll up and they would just reach into your car and snatch your money and run like a race horse.

Growing isn’t that hard, either. Just get a few good grow books written by Jorge Cervantes or Ed Rosenthal and you’ll be in business. But please don’t do it, it’s HIGHLY illegal and cops will literally try and put kingpin charges on you for doing it.

Ah … haven’t read the magazine for years … must just be the website that doesn’t carry the ads. Under the seed category they only posted the notice about them being illegal in the USA.

Anyway, back to the OP … a search for “dutch seeds” should answer your question about where they will ship.

Ok. I let the first thread go. This one is a bit much of a “how to.” Thread closed.

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