I admire worker bees

Unlike the drones at where I work, worker bees actually accomplish something and help crop production with pollination, tirelessly scouring plants. And what do they get for it? A short and brutish life.

Queen bees, however, are lazy sluts.

What animals do you (anthropomorphically) admire?

Magpies, for their outfits and their swagger.

A movie?

Crows are adaptable and intelligent. They aren’t pretty, but they get the job done.

Pigeons and seagulls, in contrast, are just locust swarms of flying rats.

I’ve always thought that otters seem to know how to have a good time.

I like rats. Intelligent, resourceful, social. And the little buggers seem to like fun and play.

Cockroaches, because they can eat all the junk food they want without gaining an ounce, and stay up until all hours socializing. As near as I can tell, they don’t pay taxes, either.

Which didn’t even get nominated by the academy.

Not that that means anything, though.

 I like bees too , but the pedant in me has to inform you that queens spend their entire existence laying eggs. (I'm not sure they even sleep). If she doesn't do that,either the workers supercede her or the beekeeper does a squish and replace.
 Drones exist to get laid.

Spiders - especially the orb weavers. Watch one weave a web and you’ll soon see why.