I am 48 Today

Yes, on Saturday, 19 August, I will be 48 years old. Forty-eight cold gray steps to the grave, you know, the box. Sigh.

There is no sense to try to sugarcoat it. I am about to enter middle-age. (Sigh)

Happy birthday, you young whippersnapper!

twicks, 51

About to? How many 96 year olds do you know?


Happy Birthday! Don’t fret overmuch. I think the ‘real-age’ clock has shifted a bit because of medicine, diet, etc. I bet in many ways you compare to your grandfather when he was 38 (or at least 43). When you hit 68 you’ll probably be like he was at 58 for sure, if not like he was at 48. 20 years from now health advancements will do wonders. But it will all be helped by your current daily exercise routine (you got one, right?) and good diet.


Paul, I think you’ve been middle-aged for a few years now. See, it didn’t hurt a bit.

From here.

Crotalus, 52

Cumpleaños feliz,
cumpleaños feliz,
te deseamos tooooodoooooos…


looks at you from 10 years younger and tries to figure out what the fuss is about

The older I get, the further my definitions of “old age” and even “middle Age” retreat from me.

– CalMeacham, 50 year old Adolescent.

Middle-age isn’t till 48?
I feel better already.

BiblioCat, 41.

Also of note it that although I tell people Michael Jackson and I are exact comtemporaries, it is not true. He turn 48 on the 29th.

Wishing you a good day, a good year and a great life. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday! You don’t look a day over 40. Seriously.

Damn youngster! Get off of my lawn!
silenus, 51.

WOOHOO! All you old folks are making me feel young again!

Bobo - 0x26 (38) :smiley:

Whippersnapper! Goldang youngun’s complainin’ about gettin’ old! Humph!
-swampbear (52)

Oh and Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, dude!!!

I send you a hug!!

M2U(40 but I don’t like to admit it)

So my question is…how old is your parrot, and how long is he expected to live? We have an African Grey who is, I don’t know, maybe 35 years old? He outlived my husband’s mother, and we inherited him. I worry sometimes that he will outlive us, too, and then I don’t know what will happen to him! :slight_smile:

Get out the Geriatric thread, ya kid!

Happy Birthday Paul! But I have to point out you are really trailing behind some of us. Hope it’s a good day for you.

Nic- turned the big FIVE OH last May

All these posts from contemporaries make this oldster feel a bit better.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Paul.
48 sounds swell to me. :slight_smile:

Caprese, almost 52

My take on it is that the first twenty years don’t count. Those are the training wheel years.

So, adulthood is from 20 to an expected about 80. So 50 is midway.

And…a single digit number of months away for me. Oh, to be 48 again.

Awesome. Glad your letter to the king let you make it to your next birthday, at least :wink:

By the way if you didn’t live in Jeddah you’d still be 47 for the next 8 hours instead of 1 :slight_smile: